Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bang For The Buck Audiophile Receiver


Su Belpietro iniziano a girare strane storie


     Segnatevi questa data: 27 dicembre 2010. E questo scampolo di prosa: “Girano strane storie a proposito di Fini. Non so se abbiano fondamento, se si tratti di invenzioni oppure, peggio, di trappole per trarci in inganno. Se ho deciso di riferirle è perché alcune persone di cui ho accertato identità e professione si sono rivolte a me assicurandomi la veridicità di quanto raccontato… Toccherà quindi ad altri accertare i fatti… Vero? Falso? Non lo so. Chi mi ha spifferato il plan did not seem crazy ... in exchange of information did not ask me anything ... mythomaniac? Blackmail? Other? Boh! Why I decided to write two stories? Because if there's nothing to worry about are true ... If it's all fake, is it any wonder why the stories come out right now. " The author Maurizio Belpietro, editor of a newspaper (so to say, is "Free"), is opening a new frontier: the news separated from the facts, the record mediumship, information on fuck, the newspaper of "boh?". Works great: three inquiries in as many proxies, on all the news headlines and newspaper (even opening up the Republic: "Fake bombing ends, it is fighting"), all Belpietro Giulio & # 8220, I had a scoop, I could not go to the magistrate or else I was reading the news on some other newspaper. But I had a pleasure to Fini, should thank me. " We, too, in our small, we want to make a scoop and a pleasure to Belpietro. Therefore we decided to publish the strange stories that run on its behalf. An old veteran from a medium seance told us, referring to the soul of a deceased di cui non ha ben capito il nome, ha appreso che Belpietro avrebbe da anni una relazione con un opossum, non si sa se maschio o femmina, ma più carino di lui. Vero? Falso? Boh. Riportiamo la notizia perché l’anonimo poltergeist non ha chiesto soldi in cambio delle sue rivelazioni e perché vogliamo fare un piacere a Belpietro.   Un uomo incappucciato con un tanga, ma con impercettibile inflessione norvegese, ci ha consegnato un dossier fotografico che ritrae Belpietro travestito da talebano e intento a ricevere alcuni bazooka da Osama Bin Laden in una grotta del Pakistan. Mitomane? Ricattatore? Altro? Mah! Avremmo potuto verificare la notizia, ma non volevamo leggerla su qualche altro giornale. Meglio darla subito, poi Belpietro ci ringrazierà con comodo. Una signora di mezza età che indossava una pelle di giraffa e portava in testa un cotechino con lenticchie, ma non pareva affatto matta, ci ha riferito di avere le prove che i delitti di Cogne, Erba, Garlasco, Perugia, Avetrana e via Gradoli sarebbero opera del noto serial killer Belpietro, socio occulto di Bruno Vespa che poi fanno a mezzo con i fornitori di plastici. Se lo scriviamo è perché, se è vero, c’è di che preoccuparsi; se invece è falso, c’è da domandarsi perché questa storia spunta proprio ora.   Un licantropo travestito da Ciccio di Nonna Papera che parla soltanto il babilonese antico ci ha svelato, se abbiamo capito bene, Belpietro that would usually open up the raincoat in the nursery and gardens munching some children with a lot of apron to overcome the pangs of hunger. Writing for the good of Belpietro, in the hope that we thank you. A self-styled caposcorta told us that a few months ago we invented to have foiled an attack on a journalist and then, to make it more credible, some gunshots exploded middle management, in the absence of the aggressor, ceiling, handrails scale and a skirting, after which the reporter went on tour in all the TV to accuse the Left "party of hate", then when the stain was to be unmasked, Fini accused of having arranged a fake attack to blame Berlusconi. The news, unlike the others, it seems so incredible that we hesitated to publish it until the last. If we take into account it is only because it seems to be true.

(m.travaglio - the daily, 29.12.2010)

Fastest Shutter Point And Shoot Digital Camera


(Marco Politi - The Quotiidiano Made, 28/12/10)

Cardinal Ruini For Christmas brings good tidings that "stability is good." Implication: the Catholic UDC Berlusconi support it. The comet shows a government for reforms.

strikes in the large cardinal's interview, which appeared in the Corriere della Sera, the impression all politics without the slightest flicker of inspiration from the announcement of the Gospel of a God incarnate to bring to humanity the message of the Beatitudes. Un messaggio inquieto, che non lascia le cose al loro posto ma sovverte tutto ciò che è ingiusto, disumano, dis-amore.

   Spiega il cardinale, di nuovo molto ascoltato da Benedetto XVI, che quanto dice la Chiesa spesso è controcorrente. Non lo si avverte nei suoi input politici. La stabilità è auspicata per un governo che, con la maggioranza più schiacciante della storia repubblicana, non ha messo mano alla ricostruzione de L’Aquila, non ha avviato misure contro la disoccupazione, lascia alla deriva le famiglie, ignora il dilagante precariato che devasta le giovani generazioni.  

In Italy this rotting, which falls apart under the blows of a botched federal and selfish, in which (as warned De Rita) died desires, the former president of the CEI does not invite to broaden l & # 8217; horizon, to overcome an inefficient and immoral leadership. He does not remember - it does Pope Ratzinger encyclical Deus Caritas Est - Saint Augustine that a State is not governed according to justice "would be reduced to a bunch of thieves" (much has been done in the era of Berlusconi). No. The Cardinal hopes that everyone contributes to this stability, "which is good for the country. "

In this pact does not resonate with the existing church, the great Catholic tradition of democratic and Sturzo De Gasperi, who well knew how to impress other shocks to the country to help him recover. Back, though, the mantra does not make sense to talk about Berlusconi or antiberlusconismo let alone "making judgments on the behavior of private individuals."

had proclaimed that it was not fair comment on the morality of Herod, St. John's head was still in place. But we were at the beginning of the Gospels.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Replacement Magnalite Pot Handles

Merry Christmas


In October of last year I bought the pdf version of the book "tatting WITH RINGS " Jon. Just got the book I have been busy learning the technique to perform his marvelous works. Once learned, I dropped everything.

Now I thought the tatting rings could be used to create this Christmas tree with which I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Special thanks to Jon for teaching me this wonderful technique.

On the site of Fox you can find beautiful creations.

Council at all because this book offers a different use of tatting but effective.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pacific Science Center Printable Admission Coupon


If Bagnasco in politics

Paolo Flores d'Arcais

Moralmenteparlando, siamoalgovernoBerlusconi-Scilipoti. Politically, we are the government of the three B: Berlusconi, Bossi and Bagnasco. His Eminence, in fact, a few moments after the vote-commercialization of Montecitorio which Berlusconi had avoided the distrust already felt the compelling urge to so incensed: "Again and again the Italians have expressed a desire for governability. This desire, this desire expressed in a clear and democratic, it must be universally respected and pursued by all with good will and honesty. " The most filthy cattle market which is been given to assist in the Italian Parliament is so hallowed by the President of the Episcopal Conference, which speaks clearly on behalf of all the Italian bishops.

c'entrino What good will and honesty "with the brash purchase" so much per pound, "urbi et orbi extended all along months, men and women who should represent the nation, only God knows. With this latest "endorsement" to a close friend of Putin and Gaddafi, the hierarchical Church has touched the zenith in his pilgrimage back to Constantine, trampling all the openings of secularism of Vatican II and the "Good Pope" John XXIII.

In one of the most famous passages of the Gospel (Luke 16:13), GesùdiGalileacondannal'aviditàdiricchezzeconil final "Ye can not serve God and Mammon," and in Italy there is no one - with decades of tetragonal consistency in public and private behavior-abbiadimostratodirappresentareeincarnarei (dis) values \u200b\u200bof Mammon best of Mr. Berlusconi Arcore. But the head of the Italian bishops, the boundless corruption and exhibited of power and money, imposed by poor governance regime as the supreme criterion of moral evaluation, seems to be a julep of honesty and good will. You can not believe that the entire Italian Church condividatantooltranzismofilo-berlusconiano.Certo, there are the "priests in the front line, who have the courage to condemn the" ignominy lunch with Berlusconi & # 8221, and the "scandal of the Catholic hierarchy chesièinginocchiataallamensadellacorruzione, corruptions and offered in return received money from sin, snatch laws" to end with a "Bagnasco, Bertone, Ruini. Deliver us, O Lord! " (Don Paolo Farinella). But even in the Church hierarchy, the bishops, that many who can whisper the same opinions in private, have chosen to decline to a voluntary "church of silence"?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bella Cucina Belgian Waffle Recipe

Center Margerite

This is a model of Iris Niebach that I found on his book "tatting Fantasia"

When I made the purchase of books at the store in September online "Bolster & Drawings" , I received a gift of two cotton gomitolini "Anchor No. 70" (really any purchase receive a gift).

The center of the left I made using cotton No. 12 (cotton skein I had at home who knows how long), I then wanted to try running it with this cotton No. 70 and the result is the center of the right . Although very thin this gimp working well, you are also able to open the rings and then to undo the knot when he is mistaken, because the wire slides easily.

As can be seen by comparing the center is very small, about 10 cm in diameter, but it is beautiful.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marine Battery Schematic


© 2010 YouTube, LLC
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Diffrence Between Cydia Rock And Icey


Lo storico intervento di Nanni Moretti alla manifestazione dell'Ulivo di Piazza Navona del 2002

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Difference Between Amd Chipsets 780v

brooch pink

Sto facendo queste spille per le coriste della mia Parrocchia, che portano un fiore bianco sul bavero della giacca durante i concerti. Mio marito mi ha chiesto se mi sentivo di fare qualcosa al chiacchierino. Come non accontentarlo, visto che fa parte del coro?
Dopo vari tentativi ho optato per questa rosa che si compone di tre parti assemblate e cucite su di una spilla.

Per prima cosa ho eseguito il bottone centrale la cui spiegazione si trova sia in italiano che in inglese sul web, dove si trovano anche diversi utilizzi.

Poi ho realizzato la base bianca, che è formata da due overlapping groups of three rosettes, the second group with a few knots more.
This base shuttle runs with the ball in a single solution.

In the end I made the green in such a way that only small white petals sprout leaves.

After all, I sewed together the three parts and then I laid down on the pin.
For this work I used white cotton and green Cébélia "No. 20.

Bio Lab Ap Cell Respiration 5 Questions


….leggendo l’editoriale of Labor this morning, I came back to mind a thought that I surfaced periodically (though not always) in the minds of many Italians, but not in Italy things are so bad because there is NO WAY the certainty of punishment? Beyond the millions of words that you spend on this unfortunate country ... ..

"The pardon occult

Marco Travaglio

quietly, the silence of the TV, the press and the opposition, center-right majority voted in the name of "certainty of punishment" and "zero tolerance", has just approved a bell ' indultino masked will release thousands of criminals from prison prematurely. The Bill Alfano, approved by Parliament between Lusco and the sharp, in force since December 16, provides that prisoners serving sentences may ultimately spend the last years of detention at home ("provisions for all & # 8217; running at the home of a prison sentence not exceeding one year "and similar" residues a longer sentence, "except for the Mafia, terrorism and murder). But beware: today inmates can serve the last two years of the sentence under house arrest and the last three in foster care social service, that is free. In practice, those who have served sentences of up to three years knows that he will not one day in prison and, if he had the foresight to commit a crime by May 2006, before the indult (automatic discount of 3 years) no one day in prison even if sentenced to 6 years. For example, Cesare Previti: sentenced to 6 years, we defalcation for three pardons and for the other three got the award to Caritas, with two days to cavandosela Rebibbia. Now, with the additional balance weblog Christmas Alfano, the deductible rises to 4 years (and even to 7 for the crimes covered by the insult). So, to end up inside and stay there must really make a killing. In addition to the damage, there is also the insult to the victims of crimes: those who committed them can go home without having to leave the home of the victim or the "locus delicti commissi" ;. So who ended up in because the neighbor harassed or beat his wife can easily go back on the scene to serve the sentence and to repeat the crime. Therefore prepare ourselves for the release of the nth wave (come out Some say 2000, some 7000, some 12 000 to 70 000 inmates) that, moreover, is not accompanied by investment to reintegrate former inmates into society, will bring them back to crime, an increase of crimes and of ' ; social insecurity. All at the hands of the center, always ready to accuse the center of "putting out" criminals. Of course, like all laws of this government, even worse if signed by Alfano, this disguised amnesty is unconstitutional: amnesties and pardons are needed for two-thirds of Parliament, while here and have voted only PDL League. The same league that initially opposed the bill Alfano mouth of the Maroni, then, the sly, he digested everything. The same league that in August 2003, when it passed the 'indultino "(the last two years of suspended sentence to those who had served half, unless extremely serious crimes: 5900 freed) with ratings of FI, UDC, AN and center-half, opened fire and flames. Calderoli Ciampi asked to refer the bills to "to manifest unconstitutionality" and the Justice Minister Castelli "to report in Parliament about the crimes committed by those who will be freed in the future thanks to this sleazy pardon masked. Recurrences are many and it is right that the people know what crimes will be committed against him because of this measure and those who promoted it. " Castles thundered: "Since October we will meet guests in the cell and released just 12 months in the prison population will be the first. But we have a landmark program to build and open 23 new prisons. " Even Mantovano (An, today PDL) denounced "Thus the certainty of punishment is even weaker: the indultino help to reinforce the belief that all things considered, to commit serious crimes do not pay such high cost & then # 8221;. Of course, the amazing Castles and Alfano plan to build new prisons, he has not never knew anything. And here we are again, in 2010, put out a few thousand criminals. This time, in secret. Congratulations to the majority and also apologize for the term a bit 'strong opposition. "(The daily - 07/12/2010)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Put Rolled Fondant On Cupcakes

Corrado Guzzanti: the jokes will not help the program - "Come on ... BOYCOTT

Monday, November 22, 2010

What Toys Can I Give My Hamster


Sailing on the blog of Jon I found the pattern to make this bookmark whose name is Chinese Coin Bookmark .

Very interesting is the link: Chinese coins which provides information on Chinese coins.

Jon is an inexhaustible source of ideas, who kindly shared with all friends of this wonderful art that is tatting.

The blog of Jon are very beautiful and interesting.
There are plans for centers, bookmarks and more than instructions for new techniques to improve our work.

To achieve this bookmark is necessary to know the technique of false node, however, following his work schedule is easy. Since

working with two shuttles I thought I'd fill them with two different colors, and so I made a second bookmark a little 'Christmas.

Many thanks, thanks Jon

Sunday, November 21, 2010

How Does Date On Watch Know The Month


do not need many words: I simply shameful condition in which it has failed to find the program "Come away with me." I think the best response to this crap is "to strike there where it hurts: in the share!

E 'enough to crush any remote control button other than the 3: When Maroni began to read his list, we turn off the TV or change channels. A nice peak negative auditel is quite a message!

As they say ... .. spread the word!



Monday, November 15, 2010

Suche House Lied Papapapapa


I borrow the words of which seem to me Piero Ricca the most appropriate to express what I think about the primary yesterday in Milan. Add to my only a few brief comments: 1) I am very pleased that the Boers do not have done, and 2) the analysis of the votes made on a sample so small I seem to at least be taken with the tongs, and 3) I am convinced that Onida's candidacy has served to win Pisapia (quell'undici percent because otherwise, I fear, would be mainly oriented towards the Boers) 4) Onida was still my favorite candidate but I still like very Pisapia.

"He won Giuliano Pisapia. He lost the Democratic Party. This
the outcome of the elections primaries held yesterday in Milan. The turnout was lower than expected and lower than the previous time. It is not a good sign. Pisapia had the courage to believe from the outset, to nominate first and setting a good campaign, able to go beyond the fences of the party. The Democratic Party is once again confronted with his own distance from the Royal Society. A nothing is worth the availability of the only (albeit reduced) system of party politics on the square left of center. When citizens have an alternative, in Apulia as in Milan, choose it. It has done well, as we read and write, the provincial leadership and a citizen of that party to resign. It 's a first step: support for a long time, the entire national leadership is clear, but I fear it is inevitable that a new stinging defeat to get to that point. Returning to yesterday's primary, to be reported also good evidence of Professor Valerio Onida, which occurred in the name of a political proposal sober and clean, although for curriculum and age, rather than an operational task, it would suited to preside over an institution guarantee. Michele Sacerdoti, independent candidate for the generous cut environmentalist, along with Onida, can make a significant contribution in stage of drawing up the plans for elections next spring. Now is the time unit, this is the rule of the primaries. We will see in the coming weeks if it really be so, if that is all the contenders will fight hard to win the final choice. Of course, the two-round voting procedure is not recommended to make lists and independent candidates within the opposition to the junta Moratti, beyond the outcome of the primaries. Indeed, according to a theory is not farfetched - assuming the runoff, having regard to the presentation of a list Finian-centrist - more lists are presented in the first round, the better, because this will attract the most votes to the various fringe of the electorate. The important thing is to find unity in the second round. For more than a signal that strengthens the feeling, not only in Milan, in this time of political crisis, is destined to prevail in elections to those who can more effectively fight the temptation to refrain from its potential constituency. We face a long campaign, and it is good because this time there will be time to turn in length and breadth of the city to build and disseminate the program and make known the candidate in all the districts. Given the economic and media power of the adversary, called the mobilization and commitment to the tens of thousands of people who participated in the primaries yesterday, Giuliano Pisapia and his staff will be a real priority. " November 15-www.pieroricca.org

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Use Outers Gun Cleaning Kit



The new labor law hinders the possibility of Because the company

George Meletti (IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO 13.11.10)


Partiamo dal lato pratico. Tutti i lavoratori precari che stanno rimuginando l’idea di fare causa a un datore di lavoro che in passato li ha impiegati come dipendenti di fatto ma con un contratto senza garanzie devono correre dall’avvocato. Subito. La legge n. 183 del 4 novembre 2010, nota come “collegato lavoro”, contiene infatti un trappolone di cui il governo non ha dato nessuna informazione agli interessati. Più volte nei mesi scorsi, sulle colonne del Fatto Quotidiano, il giuslavorista Massimo Roccella, suddenly disappeared in recent days, sounded the alarm about what was cooking the Parliament. Now the news is read.

Surprises Article 32.

And the new rules there is one that requires temporary workers by some quick reflexes. They are Article 32 (paragraphs 3 and 4) of leggeinquestione.Meglioessere pedanti.C 'èscrittoche "ledisposizioni referred to in Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604 "(which require the dismissal the employee must be challenged within 60 days) also apply: forward contracts, the relationship of coordinated and continuous (co.co.co) in collaboration coordinated project (co.co.pro). In short, aiprecari.Primadivedere the significance of this new rule should be noted that it was retroactive. That is true not only for future working relationships, but also for the outstanding and those already completed.

The first emergency is precisely for those who have a problem with a contract in the past. The law states that all people have to make this an appeal against the company within 60 days after into force of the law. Published in the Official Gazette on November 9, the law comes into vigoredopo15giorni, cioèil24novembre. Since then click the 60 days ending January 23, 2011. Who has not at least sent a letter of announcement of legal action by that date will lose the right to any compensation to the employer. Until now, the law also gave years to the worker to settle accounts with those who thought he had wronged. Now we fix a termineravvicinatocheriguarda all previous cases, suggesting the precarious precarious a crossroad or former dry: now do or cause to put a lid on it.

For those who have a contract in place the question is less urgent but forsepiùdrammatica.L 'typical example is that of the worker hired by a series of forward contracts or cooperation or advice. Many precarihannounasortadistagionalità work. It can also happen chetrauncontrattoel'altropassi an interval of 60 days or more. The precarious is there waiting to be called back to work. Now the anxiety is added to the anxiety. If waiting for the new contract, the worker will pass rei60giorni, perderàognidiritto dichiederegiustiziaauntribunale work.

the crossroads: do cause or not?

to discover, perhaps, that nonvienepiùchiamatoallavoro: the injury and insult. Therefore, the preload can be induced to make because, at least close to the expiry of 60 days. But when they sue, they can be reassured that hardly will be recalled to work. And the recommended amounts to traumatic rupture of the relationship with the company. He wrote seven months ago, Professor Roccella: "It is well known that temporary workers, the weakest and most defenseless, cipensanoduevolteprima to apply to the court, hoping to be summarized, the rigor of abstract available the case in many cases will ultimately result in concrete regularization of abuse. "

Fulvio Fammoni, confederal secretary of the CGIL, which deals with the topic, is trying to compensate for the absence of information from the government by organizing a Carthusian leaflets throughout Italy: "The Ministry of Welfare is not doing anything to make it known to millions of workers that their contract terms have changed radically. " The campaign of flyers to interested the CGIL explains what to do: "I contrattidilavoroprecarigiàconclusi long time, if it is considered to be tainted by irregularities must be contested in writing within 60 days after the entry into force of the law. This is the letter that puòfareancheconunasemplice halt the law. Then you will have available 270 days to go before a judge. "

Article 32 of Law 183 contains another provision very interesting in some ways even more insidious of the above, and which inter alia also covers workers on temporary contracts perpetuity. Establishes a new legal approach of the dismissal hearing.

Dismissal diventa orale?

IL LICENZIAMENTO deve, per obbligo di legge, essere comunicato in forma scritta. Se comunicato oralmente non è valido, quindi è impugnabile. L’articolo 32, al comma 2, così recita: “Ledisposizionidicuiall'articolo 6 della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604, come modificato dal comma 1 del presente articolo, si applicano anche a tutti i casi di invalidità del licenziamento”. Traduzione: il termine di 60 giorni per l’impugnazione dal 24 novembre varrà anche per i licenziamenti orali. Finora la cosa era ritenuta dalla giurisprudenza una bestemmia.

Anche su Roccella had forewarned this: "You can bet that future layoffs oral rather rare so far have spread like wildfire: an employer, in fact, simply argue that in fact there was the dismissal, but well before the date specified by the employee (and offer to try it with complacent witnesses) to stop the process. "

There will be a lot of work for lawyers and the courts work. And perhaps for the Constitutional Court

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tv Center Seriennummer


I wanted to make a rose that I found on the No. 9 " work tatting " of "Mani di Fata" and I noticed that the clover the top open.

The explanation led to run the clover as in 'left image.

order to get the clover as in the image on the right, I twisted the wires after making the first link, then make the following auxiliary wire. I did the same after running the second, with this method, the clover is still open.

so I run the washer, I thought, but with this method you can do the clover also has two colors!

I then tried to make the white center ring, and this is the result you see in the image.
I think it's a good idea.

up the good work.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pain In Inside Of Left Cheek

NE 'Saints' HEROES ....

Lunedì sera ho visto anch’io “vieni viacon me”, il programma di Fazio & Saviano. Ne sono stato contento ma qualcosa (e non solo a me) non mi tornava. E il mattino dopo mi sono accorto che anche altri avevano avuto la stessa sensazione: roppo lungo, a volte semplice o scontato? Bho? Stamattina l’editoriale di Travaglio sul Fatto da quella che a me sembra un’ottima riflessione sul programma.  


Caro Roberto, datti una spettinata

Marco Travaglio

Idate listening have already tried by Justice of censorship against Tafazzi Rai Come away with me. The quality of the program no one had anything to say: it would be curious to the contrary, in a TV filled with politicians, slaves, whores of system and silicon. Only in a country reduced to a military hospital of the caliber of writer Saviano wait four years before the triumph of Gomorrah on TV have a space all its own. That said, we may agree with Robert that many, from someone like him, they expected something more. There was no need to bother him for saying that Falcone was a good man and for this he was reviled in life, and beatified post mortem: All things widely known. By Saviano is expected to speak of the living, not dead already sanctified: that of those people (judges, but not only) that today represent a stumbling block to the regime and because of this, as Falcone, are being boycotted , discredited and denigrated just dare to touch certain shrines. List them is redundant, we know them well. And we know the taboo subjects of which should not speak on television, because anyone who has tried hath been found in the middle of a street or in a dossier of Pio Pompa and his brothers. The impression is that the program of Fazio and Saviano, has decided to defer the date of the most pressing issues (mafia and the state, negotiations on the massacres, and political slush Camorra, Dell'Utri cases, Cuffaro, Schifani), leaving the magnificent Benigni the role of the icebreaker. We hope to be recovered in the next episodes. The criticism, therefore, involves not so much Saviano, as its authors, who have set up the perfect crib of the left politically correct, with all the saints, angels, shepherds, sheep and other figures licking and lacquered, combed and glossy . The television version of the figurines Sandwiches veltroniane. From that manger, which has just entered the statue of an increasingly Vendola imparruccato must disappear controversial figures, disheveled, borderline. So, for a level playing field misunderstood, here is the absurd parallel between the "factory of the mud" of the crows and anti-Falcone who maybe wrong but a bald-faced, criticized the judge then killed. The writer thinks that the great Sciascia, ill-advised, he took an epic blunder Borsellino uniting the "professionals", in fact he made a public apology in a meeting with Borsellino. But anything worth discussion the relief that many of his friends moved to Falcone when he went to work for the Hammers in the government minister Andreotti. Saviano has shown the lawyer Alfredo Galasso, while on stage Costanzo, John called his friend to "leave the palace" stinking of which both knew the hosts and the relationship with the Mafia already immortalized - Leoluca Orlando reminded him that evening, in the relay Santoro Costanzo - Antimafia reports. Who said that was wrong and why Galasso Falcone? The fact that Falcone is a martyr crystalline fight against the Mafia does not mean that he never wrong in his life. His first draft superpower of attorney (on government) drawn with Martelli caused the uprising of hundreds of judges, including Wallet. And in any case Galasso criticism Falcone moves face to face, hiding his face or hand in paper files or anonymous letters. Galasso got to do that then with the factory mud? Not without reason, Aldo Grasso called the excesses of rhetoric Come away with me as a starter in the national unity government. Monday evening, the conformity "of the left" who has combed all the same way against the conformism Berlusconi of Big Brother. But it is doubtful that the antidote to Berlusconi. This will also be at sunset, but at least it lasted thirty years. The manger of the perfect progressive risks long before stewing.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Best Starter Spotting Scope For Bird Watching


The editors of Article 21, Case Blue will support a no confidence vote on Mauro Masi Rai will lead the journalists to express themselves in the days of 9 to 10 and November 11. While in the Rai will open elections "real" that will allow all journalists to permanent and timing of certain basins "to" and "b & # 8221,; will also be undertaken to create a virtual electronic seat open to all subscribers Rai open from 9 until November 9 to 23 of November 11. "We want to empower civil society as a vote of journalists Rai and simultaneously animate the debate on the future of Rai among subscribers, with the fee, they want to assert their right to express their views on the future of public service broadcasting. " To subscribe to the mistrust in Masi, subscribers, however, must report the number of subscriptions that are in the coupon payment of the fee.

"We know that the vote subscribers in an electronic manner - say the two editors - has no legal value, but we want to point out, however, the growing dissent against the action of the Director General of RAI. " The polling station will be accessible electronically from the web sites of blue suitcase ( www.valigiablu.it ) and that of Article 21 ( www.articolo21.info ). "We encourage all websites to revive the link for the electronic voting and the vote to place the banner on their portals."

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Air Force Rotc Eczema

Sono il frocio che detesti

Dear Silvio Berlusconi,
introduce myself.

I'm the man you have sent a peace mission to export democracy to Iraq, then Afghanistan, then in Lebanon, and almost everywhere call it the allies to rally the faithful and wagging our state, I'm the one who left wife and children to blow up the hand of another wretch like me, whose name is unknown, sacrificed on the altar of a war of choice by others, including you.

maybe you are the bitch who wooed to the sound of money and gifts to brighten up your animal instincts of settantaquattrenne dirty old man, are one of the many dolls with which games, including a summit and the other, to mask your infinite loneliness. I am the fag that

hate, fighting against a life of a society of prejudices and barriers, both physical and mental, that are from yesterday, feels even more isolated due to a prime minister so stupid and vulgar to laugh in a public assembly.

I am the young man who does not get married because he did not have renewed a contract already expired at the start, like any food product on a shelf in a seedy suburban supermarket, what are the statistics is busy and should feel grateful for these new forms of slavery.

I'm the teacher who does not take it anymore, to invent a profession that continues to cut, mortify, destroy day day, what are handling the future of a nation and does so with tools and resources totally inadequate.

I'm the older one, wounded in the wound of the city more and more made of concrete, and industries and automobiles, not people, not a woman, a woman alone, one elderly woman, am the one who will end the their days in a hospice where I'll be obscene as a parked car in the square rotting carcass of a scrap dealer.

cancer are stuck in the lungs of a child who lives very close by yet another umpteenth landfill and incinerator, are the result of 15 years of lies and choices made with greed certainly not with the heart and common sense.

I am the servant of the State which has taken her own life while fighting a battle against the Anti-State and the State, the real one is turned away, so what are you a plaque, named a street, and blasphemed the his name to say that not even fight wars, for real.

are the Negro and the Roma and Albanian, which disinfects the wounds of decubitus care of your old and black in your second and third homes, are what produces the incomes and pay taxes in the business working as a mule was the rich northeast, or in the fields of slavery of the many southern Italians.

'm the idiot who still thinks that its dignity is hard to sum of many small daily decisions: no heroics, no big revolution, but a lot of respect for the rules, like integration, a sense of the future.

are those who think that paying taxes is all well and good, that volunteering in the community makes sense, which outraged and fight so that everyone on this planet has equal dignity and rights is sacrosanct.

Actually, now that I presented, I have nothing to say, nothing to say.
If you do not pity you, and I feel human compassion for your total lack of tomorrow.

(source: www.marcoboschini.it)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Digital Flash Adapter


The outburst of light: enough, we are not Police officers to guard to escort the premier

Gianni Barbacetto (from " and the fact Newspapers. 03/11/2010)

"We are fed up. We have not become police officers to guard to escort the Prime Minister. Many of our colleagues have died while doing the escort magistrates or politicians who defended the state. And we, instead ... You can never be so low? ". Speak for themselves some "boys" of the escort services. Carabinieri trained to defend the "personality" entrusted to them to endanger their lives. "But here we are making the drivers of the feasts. For this, after being so quiet and obedient, now we want to, at our risk, make our voices heard. " They start the stories that intersect, intertwine and are additive.

"PARTIES Arcore is tengono nei giorni del fine settimana, dal venerdì al lunedì. Molte sono proprio di lunedì. Nell’estate si moltiplicano. Noi accompagniamo le personalità fino alla villa e poi aspettiamo fuori. Vediamo un giro di ragazze pazzesco. Arrivano con vari mezzi. Moltissimi Ncc, le auto a noleggio con conducente. Alcuni pulmini, di quelli da 10-15 posti. Una volta abbiamo visto alcune ragazze scendere da due fuoristrada di quelli massicci. Alcune ragazze le porta direttamente Emilio Fede nella sua auto, altre scendono dalla macchina di Lele Mora con targa del Canton Ticino”.  

   “L’estate scorsa abbiamo seen a lot of parties at the villa in Arcore. Other times we accompanied our personalities in restaurants in Milan, such as 'by Giannino', in Via Vittor Pisani, Stazione Centrale. Or in a private home in Venice area. What do we know what happens there? We imagine them, maybe use drugs or break the law and laugh at us, saying we are safe here, we also have the police who protect us. And people there are those parties? We joined up to prove that we clean for two generations, our fathers and our grandfathers, and end to guard to people who maybe is not clean. "

"Yes, last summer Arcore there was a great coming and going. Ruby? No, I do not remember, but you know, are many, all equal, all young people ... We have recognized a journalist. And Flo, one involved in the 'Pupa and the geek'. Then a blonde who was in Big Brother ... Many of them understand that they are foreign, many have the cadence of Naples. Then some leave at the end of party, other stop there for the night, but it is difficult to keep the accounts, that there is a coming and going ...".

   “CI È CAPITATO di fare missioni all’estero e di incontrare colleghi stranieri che fanno il nostro stesso lavoro: ci sfottono per questa storia delle feste, delle ragazze. Ma è mai possibile che dobbiamo vergognarci, noi che vorremmo lavorare per le istituzioni e difendere lo Stato? Abbiamo orari   massacranti, turni di otto ore al giorno che spesso diventano dodici. Facciamo anche 120 ore di straordinario, ma ce ne pagano al massimo trenta, a 6 euro e mezzo all’ora, più un buono pasto da 7 euro. Va bene, non ci lamentiamo, è il nostro lavoro. Ma lo vorremmo fare per lo Stato, non per questa vergogna. Vorremmo proteggere le personalità delle istituzioni, not people who shames us before the world. "

"However we are not complaining of our salary. Only we wonder if it is right that a pretty young girl with no other experience in politics take € 15 000 per month, because it was made into a regional councilor. The president? With us is kind. Sometimes he came to say hello, tell a few jokes. Once we did, with a wink, a joke: 'Oh, blessed are you who now go home to sleep, fuck does concern me'. Another time we brought some girl and have it made. One night she sent us a girl who made us belly dancing ...".

"At the end we report the evening personality at home. We see some girls go out and get back to Milan, others remain in the villa for the night. It happens that we must accompany persons that travel to take back the girls in residence in Milan, the Tower or in the course Velasca Italy. The last maybe if we brought her home. And we must accompany our personality to the door of the apartment: it is embarrassing to take the elevator with an elderly gentleman and a little girl. We think of our daughters and we say that we do not like this world. It will be a moral lesson, but we do not like. "

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bed Room Paint Designs


I found the model of this rose to number 15 of "Work tatting" di "Mani di fata". Mi sembra molto graziosa ed originale. Si realizza utilizzando due navette. Penso sia piuttosto facile da realizzare.

Ho provato a farne una versione anche a due colori e il risultato è quello che vedete nell'immagine.

Questa bella rosetta potrebbe essere utilizzata per fare sia dei centri rotondi che ovali o come sottobicchiere.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Where Can I Buy Kirkland Signature Cookies

An Angel

Fra qualche giorno nascerà Caterina , la nipotina di una mia carissima amica.

Ho pensato di realizzare per lei questo angioletto, il cui schema si trova sul libro "Chistmas Angels and Other Tatting Patterns" di Monica Hahn

Questo bell'angioletto è stato realizzato anche da Laura e lo si può trovare sul suo blog "Laura's tatting Muse" . Anche sul blog di Gina si trova lo stesso angioletto in una versione bicolore "Threads of a Tatting Goddess" .

Penso che incorniciato possa diventare un bel quadretto per la cameretta della piccola nascitura.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Diagnose My Knee Pain

Centre rectangular

Sul n° 4 di "Il tatting work "Fairy's Hand I found the explanation to make this center than anything else I have not finished.

reason I liked the proposed framework.

This square is performed using two shuttles filled wire following the procedure described by Jon .

starting work with the use of the pin, you avoid close and cut the wire after the first round, so the square you in a single pass.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cost Of Registering A Boat In Ontario

Mix centers

I made this center using models Iris Niebach published "tatted doilies"

The outer edge of the center "Amanda" is so beautiful and original that I thought you were to use for other creations.

A Piazzatorre I only had this book and I searched for something good for the middle part, I was inspired by the center "Beatrice" , but changing the top. Then I run the outer edge.

I do not want to tamper with Iris if sometimes his masterpieces, are so beautiful that I like to try to use some parts to see if I can, embellish, enlarge or embellish other work.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wm Rogers Sectional Silverplate

Explanation border

This border is on number 4 "Work tatting" Fairy's Hand.

I was asked to explain the result, it can also serve others interested in this job.

You are using a shuttle and the ball.

ring 1: 8-8 to close and turn the work

2 arc: 6-4-6 times the work

3 anello: 4-4+4-4
4 anello:4+8-8-4
5 anello: 4+4-4-4 voltare il lavoro

6 arco 6-4-6 voltare il lavoro

7 anello: 8+8 chiudere e riprendere da 1

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baixar Pokemon Frigo Returns

la guardia stanca


Ecco come stanno svuotando la Costituzione - Intervista a Gustavo Zagrebelsky

Da Il Fatto Quotidiano del 16 settembre 2010, il testo della video intervista su "La Questione morale", promossa dall'associazione "Il libro ritrovato", presentata mercoledì 15 settembre Teatro Carignano in Turin.

federalism, electoral law, rules on a personal moral issue, system Tax: Marco Travaglio interview Gustavo Zagrebelsky, president emeritus of the Consulta.

The first question is to do in a former chairman of the Constitutional Court that insists on defending the Constitution is: what is the state of health of the paper today? The impression is that many fear that the Constitution is changed, disrupted, modified, but that the worst has already happened, that the Constitution has already been changed without even touching it, emptied from the inside leaving only the bark. In fact, it is assumed that, on the one written, one prevails unspecified "material constitution" ...
This speech on the Constitution that you could do more on democracy in general. Constitution and democracy are the casings need to see what's inside is more important what's out there or what's inside? This is a question that you would Socratically. Wanting to use another image: are more important than formal rules or the men who run the rules? It is an old question: are more important than the institutions or the quality of men? Normally it is said: the institutions are very important, but there is no worthwhile institution, or the Constitution which may give good results if it is in the hands of a political personnel of the lowest level. Conversely
a mediocre Constitution may lead to acceptable results if it is manipulated, used by a political staff, in turn, is ethically acceptable. Ethically because I say we must have the courage to restore some categories, some words: When you say "ethical" about politics, morality does not, it simply indicates the need for those who occupy public positions are aware of and consistent with the ' ethos that this function entails. In general, the Constitution provides, provides, in hopes that those who occupy public positions to fulfill its functions "with discipline and honor": words that are obsolete, almost like teasing ...

and Article 54, but no one knows.
In fact, during many years of university exams, I do not think I ever mentioned as a possible subject of the application. Honor and discipline, unfortunately, are those standards which are not fine, even showing the condition of a decent public life, first of all, even before democracy. So, back to us, the health status of the Constitution: the formal point of view, our Constitution is proving to be very strong, more than 30 years that we strive for change in the essential parts, no one has ever succeeded by astravolgerla formal point of view. But the matter is of course things are different. So my idea is that today it is not just to defend the Constitution, but to restore it: it is a lot more challenging because today 90 percent of our political forces in parliament want to change it.
But not enough to want to change: we should agree on how to change it, and there you create the block. This gives great strength: the Constitution as a formal document that remains is important because it is still an ideal reference point, whereby it can lead to certain civil rights battles. But the object of the battles is not the constitutional text, but the constitutional reality, the ethos, principles that the Constitution means. The main point is the conception of democracy.
We have built, in fact, a transformation that would define a reversal of his conception of democracy. Consider the electoral law as a symptom: it is the clearest expression of the overthrow of the principle of sovereignty. Sovereignty in a democracy means above all that the representatives elect their own representatives. But with the current electoral law, for the reasons we all know, the heads of the party shall appoint their rappresentanti.E the electorate is there to do that? To distribute the shares of shareholders of the top political parties.

Forse un punto debole della Costituzione, o almeno di chi dovrebbe garantirne i principi fondamentali, è che assistiamo continuamente alla coesistenza di una Costituzione che dice una cosa e di leggi che dicono esattamente il contrario, consentendo una serie di prassi che sono totalmente antitetiche rispetto a quello che prevede la Costituzione. Allora una persona semplice si domanda: ma com'è possibile che non sia intervenuto nessuno a bloccare o a cancellare o a fulminare una legge elettorale così palesemente incostituzionale? Manca qualche valvola di salvaguardia, nel sistema costituzionale?
Qui si entra in una discussione molto tecnica. Che questa legge sia palesemente incostituzionale non saprei dirlo: qual è la norma che viene violata? Bisognerebbe tenere distinto il giudizio di costituzionalità freddo, scientifico, giuridico. Dunque qual è la norma che viene violata dall'attuale legge elettorale? Sono decenni che si dice, per esempio, che le preferenze sono una cosa negativa, perché quando c'erano le preferenze plurime si facevano "cordate" molto permeabili agli interessi mafiosi. Poi si è passati alla preferenza unica, che però ha scatenato la lotta di tutti contro tutti: l'elezione è diventata molto costosa e questo ha favorito in linea di principio i gruppi di potere che disponevano di risorse economiche. Dunque l'abolizione delle preferenze and the majority of the premium does not appear to be unconstitutional, because abolition of preferences does not mean that the democratic parties are open to civil society with some mechanism that gives voice to the citizen-voters by making them feel in control of the mechanism and not just customers who go to vote options already taken up by others. Instead, it was not so, and this reversal of relations between citizens and elected did degrade the quality of our representation: When are the leaders who chose their own representatives, gives priority to people of faith, men and women of fatigue. And it's democracy has little to do.

Applicants are co-opted in according to the servility and loyalty ...
So then, the balance between the constitutional powers, the Parliament today, the figure does not even say dell'incomodo, but the superfluous. So much so someone said: do not aboliamolo per se, but ...

... we vote only the group leaders.
Team leaders in proportion to the weight of election ... And the fact that Parliament is sidelined with the votes of confidence ...

No one remembers him anymore, but the Parliament should be the first organ of government control we have lost the very essence Parliament, now considered as a place where you put your stamp on decisions taken elsewhere. What then are mostly personal issues or legislation to fix a few cliques ...
We all, or many, certainly two of us, the feeling that this election law is a distortion of the principles of democracy. But it is not easy to identify the specific rule being violated. It's all a concept that is put into crisis. The same applies to the ad personam laws: they are all formulated in general terms. If you shield a criminal for the current president of the Council becomes a law concerning the Prime Minister, that the charge and not the person. When making the "Short trial", is said to be in the interests of the majority of citizens have short processes (although "short trial" èuneufemismo: questoèilprocessomorto ...). All of these laws - and could not be otherwise - are presented formally in terms Overall, it is clear that, if you were a law that explicitly refers to Tom or Dick, with the first and last name, would have no chance to go ... It would be a disgrace that the supervisory intervene. Everyone knows that certain laws are made by Tom or Dick, as is all right: the substance is individual, particular, but the form is general. And how does the Constitutional Court to fail? The fact that there are laws that we all consider to be produced by a diseased mentality, but it does not violate a constitutional provision specifically states, not at all mean that these laws go well: it means that even violate the assumptions, principles that are so fundamental there 's no need to make explicit.

If they had planned this political class, perhaps the Framers would have added some introduction to the Constitution ...
The difficulties of our democracy and our Constitution, I believe, are rooted in a primeval land. Poi ci sono questioni che dovrebbero essere affrontate con gli strumenti dell'etica politica, della diffusione di una cultura politica. La vita costituzionale ha bisogno di questo humus. Infatti questo nostro incontro s'intitola "La guardia è stanca"...

La "guardia stanca", se non erro, è il popolo russo che protesta con Lenin perché la rivoluzione tarda a partire. Oggi forse possiamo leggere questo motto come la stanchezza di una parte della società civile nei confronti delle vergogne che ci vengono ogni giorno rovesciate addosso. Ma la guardia stanca potrebbe anche essere la metafora di tutti quegli organi di controllo che dovrebbero montare la guardia per controllare power, but in recent years have been weakened, perforated, neutralized, or maybe just got tired and do not exercise their duty of care ...
Yes, it could be. In that sense you are tired? We are tired of waiting and tired so it's a prelude to action, to a renewal? Or the guard is tired because it is spent? I believe our country is a bit 'on this ridge: at certain times or in certain environments can take a weariness that would also find the forms of association to react, but the other side is understood as the fatigue exhaustion , as a waiver of such pessimism. C'è un punto su cui credo che le forze politiche dovrebbero fare una riflessione: quelle che, almeno a parole, dichiarano che la situazione attuale non corrisponde alle loro aspirazioni, cioè l'opposizione. L'Italia è l'unico Paese in cui le forze di governo perdono consensi e le forze di opposizione non li guadagnano: questo dicono i sondaggi. Non ti pare che questo sia un sintomo di stanchezza, purtroppo nel secondo senso?
La gente che non si riconosce più nelle forze di maggioranza non trova un approdo in altre formazioni, in altri schieramenti, questo forse è il segno dello scoramento, che sfocia nell'astensione. Io credo che sia vero che molti elettori votano per le forze di opposizione perché la this majority. The day when there was not this majority with these leaders, even with this recognized leader, not a great result for the opposition.

Maybe that's why for years the bulk of the opposition so lovingly supports the Prime Minister: if there were more than him, nobody would vote more.
know many people who say this is the last time I go to the polls. Then we go again, trying to avoid or minimize the worst. But the day when there was no longer the worst there would be a meltdown for the opposition. So we in this paradoxical situation: the defeat of the majority does not turn into victory for the opposition. Instead, each well-functioning democracy is based on this law: if it loses the majority, the opposition wins. When this law is belied by the facts is democracy at risk, because it takes over the posting of citizens. So I would not be so happy if I were a political opposition, before the decline of consensus of the majority, because I would ask: where are these votes? And if you do not go to the opposition, there is to do a very deep reflection.

Television has imposed only one of the Master the country a series of words and slogans sick: for example, the one that "reforms are good if shared." I never understood why a reform should be good only if they share many: if it is a disgusting and is shared by many, I feel worse, rubbish is rubbish even if all the voters, and yet we are told every day that if the reforms are shared by many or all of then are good regardless. Among the reforms that we are almost obliged to share, for example, is that fiscal federalism that no one knows exactly what it is: someone sees it as an antechamber of separatism, some as a panacea that would liberate us from the bureaucracy. But you can still say "I am against federalism," or you may swear in church?
You want an answer dry, but you asked two questions and two problems: the corruption of the words and the question of federalism. First, as politically responsible citizens who do not enjoy seeing the amazing situation that has been created, but we feel an obligation to do something to improve it, to reclaim, we know that one of the main points of the degradation and corruption of the Italian words. For example, there is an expression that is widely used by people in government, but also the opposition: "We have not put their hands in tasche degli italiani". Pare sempre una trovata brillante. A parte la veridicità o meno del contenuto, questa espressione ha avuto un grande successo, purtroppo, a destra come a sinistra. Ora, io la trovo di una volgarità senza pari, perché sottintende – questo è il messaggio subliminale – l'idea che uno Stato che chiede ai cittadini di partecipare alle spese pubbliche sia un ladro sempre e comunque. Quindi, se lo Stato è ladro, ben si giustifica l'evasione fiscale. E il cerchio si chiude.
Mettere le mani in tasca? Ma in un paese civile tutti i cittadini dovrebbero essere chiamati responsabilmente a far fronte, secondo criteri di giustizia, alle esigenze della collettività. The Constitution provides for progressive tax system: no one remembers anymore, but "progressive taxes" means that those who have more must contribute more than those who did not. We apply this simple mindset fiscal consolidation under way, and we see that should lead to a problem that nobody dares ask: capital tax on large fortunes, the taxation of financial speculation ...

Instead of thieves, this maneuver puts his hands in his pockets to the guards: police, judges and law-abiding citizens ...
Unfortunately, we have to think about rebuilding our coexistence on the basis of words nonmalate, because the corruption of any political regime is accompanied by the corruption of words. There is a very interesting book published by Mondadori a few years ago and recently republished in larger version: the author is Victor Klemperer, a German philologist jew, the husband of a woman Aryan (use these categories there are proper), which followed the transformation of the language under the Third Reich. An interesting study on how to poison the minds by changing the meaning of words or inventing words. Now a sequel has been out for Giuntina: LTI. The language of the Third Reich. We should read to understand the venom that words can contain. You now
said "reforms shared." It is a has a slogan that looks sick if we all agree, this would be the proof that what we are doing is good. But in a liberal democracy to disagree is a good thing, because the dissent creates the gap and gives the depth of the problem. In liberal democracy the unanimous, being together and all agree, is not a value, indeed. But in this formula there is also a positive factor that should not be underestimated: the constitutional reforms should be shared because they can not be imposed in the interests of one party, otherwise the end result would be a Constitution on a personal basis.

And each if the change in its use and consumption at each change of majority.
As in certain South American regimes in which political forces (for example, some colonels) are present at the elections with their Constitution in section 1 of the program. Our concept of the Constitution, rooted in centuries, is that instead of a text, a document of principles stable, more stable politics. Why is the policy that is subject to the Constitution and the Constitution can never become an instrument of policy. From this point of view, I would see the words "constitutional reforms shared" an aspect positive, this, and not the other, the one that we must necessarily all be in agreement. Even then because this discourse on reform is part of a shared context in which it is said, the reforms need to be done, "res publica reformanda east," and those who are against certain reforms is a crazy, irresponsible, a traditionalist. In my opinion, you should be able to say that the reforms secularly, in itself, is neither good nor bad. You have to see what you put into it.

Given the experience of recent years ...
Vista experience ... if one wanted to do some 'of indifference may even say a political class so degraded that it can produce good? Qualunquistico will be a speech, but the Gospel is known by its fruit tree, so ... We come to the issue of federalism: here I would say that we live in a climate of thought only. Who now dares to proclaim non-federalist? I say "proclaiming that" because we know that the concerns or doubts in this regard are very common, but there is this ideological cover for which is against federalism is not à la page ... These speeches on federalism, I think, have something based on the problems we have: now the size of the political issues no longer coincides with the size of national states, then federalism should be used to create supranational dimensions. Instead, by the way, federalism which is spoken in Italy is reversed: it is not to create political units piùampie, but to break or reduce or limit the national policy drive down. On the other hand, it is said, there are needs for closeness and less bureaucracy.

What are your concerns about federalism?
While the need for federalism that will appeal to a supranational dimension I see it clear (although unfortunately it seems to me that Italy in general is not particularly active in creating forms of solidarity supranational, European, and not only European, indeed our political life seems very provincial), I can not share those hopes down federalism. Not like the motto says U.S. constitutional ex pluribus unum, a process for upward toward creating political unity, but rather an ex plures. It is this: Where will this plures not sappiamo.Temo that could be a first step towards the division of our country.

The balkanization of Italy.
The balkanization. The idea that moves the Italian federalism is that the southern regions are underdeveloped and polluted by crime (as if they were not those of the North ...) and therefore must be subjected to shock, to empower the ruling classes freeing them from the protection of the central government and forcing them to heal themselves and their flaws solve their problems by themselves. And if they resolve them? What we have reasons to hope that the southern regions, let alone be able to fight such wrongdoing, organized crime, better than they manage to make the central government?

fact personally are not only anti-federalist, but I'm beginning to feel a certain nostalgia for the prefects, possibly German.
Adesso non esageriamo. Tra le ragioni che oggi muovono il pensiero federalista in Italia, ce ne sono di apprezzabili: chi di noi non vorrebbe una maggiore vicinanza delle classi dirigenti ai bisogni delle popolazioni? Chi non vorrebbe una burocrazia pubblica più limitata? Chi non vorrebbe – anzi, mi viene freudianamente da dire: chi vorrebbe – classi politiche più oneste? Tutto questo fa certo parte delle nostre speranze. Ma che la risposta sia il federalismo, questo non mi è chiaro: vedo un salto tra le speranze, i bisogni e la risposta. Invece vedo chiaro il pericolo: il giorno in cui si dovesse constatare che il federalismo, invece di promuovere quel movimento virtuoso di rinnovamento delle regioni più povere, also lagging behind in terms of political culture, would cause the opposite effect, at which point the increase secessionist impulses.

A Sicilian prosecutor, Roberto Scarpinato, in the book-length interview with Saverio Lodato " The Return of the Prince ," says that our Constitution is born in an exceptional period, for the good things in Italy are made only in exceptional periods, when the figure of the Prince is very weak and therefore in this interval of history - the Renaissance, la Resistenza, laCostituente,Manipulite–che piccole élite illuminate riescono a prendere il sopravvento e a imporre a un Paese che non le vuole soluzioni più avanzate della cultura media nazionale. Quindi la nostra Costituzione fu una camicia di forza calata dall'alto sulle culture autoritarie che dominano da sempre nelle classi dirigenti italiane, infatti, non appena tornò il Principe,cominciò a picconarne i valori fondanti. Non a caso, da 15 anni, il centrodestra e il centrosinistra, al di là di quello che dicono di volta in volta secondo le convenienze del momento, sono entrambi allergici alla Costituzione. A cominciare dall'articolo 3 sull'eguaglianza, dall'articolo 11 sulla guerra, dall'articolo 21 on freedom of expression, not to mention the independence of the Judiciary. I am 15 years that the political right and left are trying to change the constitution to give more power to dismantle the political and regulatory bodies. Perhaps that is a thesis of Scarpinato a bit 'extreme, but by the Bicameral craxismo to Berlusconi, have been inhabited in the government a bit' all parties, and no one has picked up the banner of defending the Constitution. But then, in 2006, when we went to vote in the referendum on devolution, we found that people appreciate the Constitution much of their ruling classes, reflecting the fact that these are a bit 'worse that expresses the company.
worse or better, it seems to me quite physiological ruling classes have an attitude, a ratio of impatience with the Constitution, because the constitutions were written and designed to limit ' omnipotence of politics and policy. The constitutions of the liberal tradition are composed of citizens, not the political classes. That is an interpretation of Scarpinato a bit 'elitist, but there is a good deal of truth where it is said that the political elites have always done. But democracy is not oligarchy, oligarchy, and even enlightened democracy lives as le regole costituzionali sono interiorizzate dai cittadini. L'esempio che facevi del referendum del 2006 è sotto certi aspetti consolante. Ma di lì bisognerebbe partire per dire che la difesa della democrazia e della Costituzione è un compito che devono assumersi i cittadini.
Possiamo concludere con una verità lapalissiana: la democrazia è il regime dei cittadini, dunque la difesa della democrazia è in mano ai cittadini. Non possiamo fare distinzioni tra cittadini e forze politiche. Un sistema ben funzionante è quello in cui le forze politiche interpretano effettivamente le istanze dei cittadini in rapporto continuo di rappresentanza vera e vitale. Ma, nei momenti di crisi come quello che viviamo, questo rapporto vive a fracture. And then this is the time when the "guardiastanca", ie citizens, must make a move and find the reasons for his political commitment.

And give life to the party of the Constitution.
Yes, even if "the party of the Constitution" is almost a contradiction, because the Constitution should be for all citizens, not a party. We say that public opinion must be born constitutional.