Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fastest Shutter Point And Shoot Digital Camera


(Marco Politi - The Quotiidiano Made, 28/12/10)

Cardinal Ruini For Christmas brings good tidings that "stability is good." Implication: the Catholic UDC Berlusconi support it. The comet shows a government for reforms.

strikes in the large cardinal's interview, which appeared in the Corriere della Sera, the impression all politics without the slightest flicker of inspiration from the announcement of the Gospel of a God incarnate to bring to humanity the message of the Beatitudes. Un messaggio inquieto, che non lascia le cose al loro posto ma sovverte tutto ciò che è ingiusto, disumano, dis-amore.

   Spiega il cardinale, di nuovo molto ascoltato da Benedetto XVI, che quanto dice la Chiesa spesso è controcorrente. Non lo si avverte nei suoi input politici. La stabilità è auspicata per un governo che, con la maggioranza più schiacciante della storia repubblicana, non ha messo mano alla ricostruzione de L’Aquila, non ha avviato misure contro la disoccupazione, lascia alla deriva le famiglie, ignora il dilagante precariato che devasta le giovani generazioni.  

In Italy this rotting, which falls apart under the blows of a botched federal and selfish, in which (as warned De Rita) died desires, the former president of the CEI does not invite to broaden l & # 8217; horizon, to overcome an inefficient and immoral leadership. He does not remember - it does Pope Ratzinger encyclical Deus Caritas Est - Saint Augustine that a State is not governed according to justice "would be reduced to a bunch of thieves" (much has been done in the era of Berlusconi). No. The Cardinal hopes that everyone contributes to this stability, "which is good for the country. "

In this pact does not resonate with the existing church, the great Catholic tradition of democratic and Sturzo De Gasperi, who well knew how to impress other shocks to the country to help him recover. Back, though, the mantra does not make sense to talk about Berlusconi or antiberlusconismo let alone "making judgments on the behavior of private individuals."

had proclaimed that it was not fair comment on the morality of Herod, St. John's head was still in place. But we were at the beginning of the Gospels.


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