Thursday, December 31, 2009

Southpark Fishsticks Meaning


will have a great Christmas ?!!!!!!!!!
I hope so, ate too ?!!!!!!!
I really think so !!!!!!
So a nice light recipe light there is good ... hihihiihhihihih
This recipe I found on the Salt and Pepper in November and is really good and tasty

INGREDIENTS FOR 6 PEOPLE (I reduced the dose because we were in fourth and I only used the breast of chicken, the rest I do not like ;))

2 chickens 800 gr chopped 3 lemons

a glass of white wine
4 leaves of sage and rosemary

a clove of garlic 100 grams of black olives

EVO oil salt pepper

removing the chicken skin (if you're like me and take only your chest I will save this big job) and cut it into pieces.
Peel and chop the garlic with rosemary, sage leaves and parsley.
Squeeze 2 lemons and mix the juice with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the chopped prepro.
Sprinkle the chicken with the marinade, salt and pepper and cook for 2 hours to cool.
Drain the chicken pieces and brown on all sides for 20 minutes in 5 / 6 tablespoons of oil.
Add the wine and let it evaporate, add the remaining lemon juice and cook, covered for another 25 minutes, adding a little hot water if necessary.
Complete with black olives, stir well and serve.

I have to say good, really tasty and if you like me gets a little disgusting dead animal with the flavor of this marinade covers it very well and takes a taste fantastic



Happy New Year to tuttiiiiiiii


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anyone With Inflammatory Arthritis


As I said a few days ago me and we were Memo a cena a casa di amici e io mi sono occupata del dolce e sbirciando qua e la sono andata sul sito del cavoletto e sbirciando tra i vari pdf ho trovato questa torta e mi sono detta E' LEI!!!!!!!!
Ho seguito pari pari la ricetta e il rsultato è stato perfetto e una cifra buonoooooo
Vi dico solo che anche gli apostati che non mangiano la cioccolata se la sono pappata volentieri ;)
Vi riposto la ricetta cosi come l'ho seguita io solo che al posto del burro ho utilizzato la margarina

6 Uova
370 gr di cioccolato fondente al 70%
255 gr di zucchero
250 gr di margarina
155 ml di acqua

Whip the eggs with 85 grams of sugar.
in between a small saucepan over low heat, melt the remaining sugar in water.
When the water comes to a boil, add the chocolate into small pieces and melt over low heat stirring constantly, remove from heat, add the margarine into small pieces and stirring melt completely, then incorparate with the mixture with the eggs and mix well.
Coat the bottom of a mold zipper of approx 21 cm pour the mixture and bake at 170 degrees for about 45. Once
tolata from oven and let cool in the fridge for a few hours, overnight would be better, even if the temptation to eat it right away and so much;)


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Using Nüvi 265 With Mapsource

SWAP 2009! !!!!!

Ahahahahahhahahahhahahh sono troppo felice !!!!!!
I pacchi sono arrivati !!!!!!
Questa mattina sono uscita per andare a fare un po di compere natalizie , sono indietrissimo con i regali di natale ... per la cronaca ne ho presi solo 3 oggi e me ne mancano almeno altri 10 ... sono disperata , comunque torno a casa entro in sala e Memo mi fa " Guarda un po?!!!!!! " E cosa ti vedo sul divano I MIEI PACCHI!!!!!!!
Come una ragazzina neanche mi sono tolta la giacca e li ho aperti subito ;)

Iniziamo con il pacco di Micaela :
Vi confermo che Micaela è una chef d'excellence!!

So 5 different types of cookies: gingerbread Omini (I just cut off the head of one and I'm munching on the ... bonoooo)
Zimtsterme Of the star-shaped, divine, and too beautiful.
Of Peanut Blossom cookies, that only the scent overcomes you, matcha green tea biscuits that are over !!!!!
Tozzetti almonds that I personally LOVE!!

Then napkin holders shaped like Santa's beautiful and it will go directly on the table for Christmas dinner

UN LIBRO DI RICETTE DI TORTE!!!!!!!!! Già ho cominciato a dire " Ah questa la devo fare ... uhhhh anche questa " ( Miki idea geniale non puoi capire quanto mi hai fatto felice ) e poiiiiii anche un meraviglioso sottopentola che mi ritorna molto utile visto che a casa mia scarseggiano :)

Una scatolina troppo carina piena di caramelle :)))))))
E per finire una composta di mele , uvetta e pinoli che già penso a come poter utilizzare .

E il biglietto , sapete la cosa strana e che il web si ti fa conoscere le persone , ma a mio parere è un po impersonale , mentre il biglietto di auguri scritto di proprio pugno è diverso ... mentre leggevo il Suo biglietto mi sembrava di averla davanti , è stato molto emozionante

Quindi Miki Grazie di cuore

Passiamo al secondo pacco quello di Valentina
Anche Vale un sacco di cose ...

Vale ha messo delle cose tipiche della sua zona tra cui dei biscotti " Le rose del deserto" fatte da lei che sono molto buone e che vanno ad aggiungersi al mucchietto di briciole sul pc ;)
Aceto balsamico di modena che oltre ad avere una bottiglia bellissima è il mio preferito e unico che utilizzo in cucina e cade proprio a cecio perchè lo avevo finito !!!!!!!!

A jar of dulce de leche always made it home because I have too many hidden ruddy hands walking around there, it's mine all mine all mine !!!!!
Of Christmas adorabilli molds and tender that will use 'subitissimo:)

A Box containing cocoa and cashew biscuits to fair trade that tomorrow morning will be part of my breakfast, and not as a beacon' to stand all day.
A package of green tea orange pekoe always fair trade and you can not understand That you made me happy because I love the green tea and I like to try again and I missed these ores

And finally, not least, a tea for one or a small pot for the tea cup with coordinate (Unfortunately, the cup is broken through by the Italian post office!) but the pot is very healthy and so cute and colorful all-round put us well that I am sick of these things and collect teapot and cups and you can tell who had suffered the place of honor in my cabinet:) Valentina

also has coordinated everything with a card, very specifically, and here I I'm excited,,, I'll be 'silly but it's as if the person just so you know on a page of PC becomes real.

Well what do you think of Christmas gifts early ?!!!!
I am delighted and I thank Marica who had the idea for this wonderful initiative that I hope we can repeat soon

Vale, Miki Thank you so much !!!!!!!

Lelli and Memo (who is munching something .... I did not understand what I am going to investigate!!)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Need Buy Narrowboat


Ahahahahahah I defeated the intestinal flu that kept me stick to more 'than a week, not can understand the suffering, if I still swear that rice URLOOOOO
However, in these days to celebrate the resumption of the dry spell I got invited to dinner at home with friends ... hihihihhihih ... cook and that's just me !!!!!!
Pero 'also our kitchen has resumed normal function and then a short postero 'recipe sweet sweet !!!!!!!!

Embee that there 'be surprised ?!!!!! How could I fail to shoot a superipercalorico sweet to get me a bit on a forced diet ?!!!!!!

Ps go slow with the post but this time practically live at the airport ... In fact, I was thinking of asylum Asked olite at the table;) maybe I do cook them !!!!!

Kisses to tuttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii