Monday, January 31, 2011

Home Made Mattress Cleaner

my plea

Mi rivolgo a tanti, ma non tutti: vorrei che questa mia giungesse nelle mani e sotto gli occhi di quelle centinaia di dirigenti politici della cosiddetta opposizione che – fuori o dentro al parlamento – occupano da anni la scena politica italiana. Parlo the "old" policy: it is not a question of age but stay in parliament, political parties, including movements (just to be clear: Enrico Letta is certainly not old, but we see from several years). Go away now. Give way to those who come after you. Want to stay in politics because you still feel useful and you do not want to waste your 'experience'? Well let you decide if the base will be allowed to remain in advisory roles in your parties or movements, but gave up NOW for your managerial position (which it is). Many of you (perhaps more than those who do not believe it myself) probably rimangono ‘incollati alla cadrega’ per motivi che ritengono civilmente validi: il vuoto di potere, la paura di lasciare tutto nelle mani di una destra pericolosa etc….. Altri – è evidente – sono lì da anni perché fanno un mucchio di soldi senza aver mai veramente saputo cosa voglia dire lavorare (si commentano da sé). ANDATEVENE ORA! Chiedete a Berlusconi un ultimo sprazzo di dignità? Non l’ha mai avuta e mai l’avrà! Voi potete fare la differenza. Voi che continuate ostinatamente a negare la vostra enorme responsabilità nella sua ascesa (lo sanno veramente anche i bambini). Se oggi scegliete di staccare la spina e are perhaps even change course in time to be remembered as the operators of the change. Otherwise, history will do nothing but count in one of those who have contributed more than Berlusconi himself to make this country so miserable. Some of you may have studied and remember the important phases of the Fascist period: perhaps you remember the names of those who left do? Not me. Instead I remember well the names of those who are opposed, have resisted and have often paid at great sacrifice their own lives or the choices of freedom. Do you too. Do it for us, a generation of innocent children flaccid and dull. If your brave you will maybe later or at least heard from many other old occupying the country: in universities, workplaces, cultural establishments and in all positions of power. And do not worry about who will be left on the other side (assuming it still exists): The country will be defended by young people with fresh minds, minds are still alive, new ideas and, finally, be in good hands!

Giacomo Rossi


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