Saturday, April 25, 2009

Remove Dongle Infection

--- III-TUESDAY meeting April 28 at 16:15 (Faculty of Economics)

We arrived at the third stage of "Journey to the Center of the crisis" organized by 'Association University Superpartes. After the success of the first two events, ODA invites you to not lose "PROCESS TO FINANCE: the two professors question the witnesses called by 'charge as a" person informed of the facts "in the real estate and banking. Prof. Raggetti assume the role of the public prosecutor, the prof. Lodesani rather than the defense lawyer. Guarantor of the proper conduct of the process will be ODA, impartial judge. But the final verdict will be issued by majority vote by all present, that is you who will participate in the "Process". An unmissable event for those who want to pursue this issue to be topical and at the same time STAR

CLASSROOM T27 Faculty of Economics "G. Fua" - Ancona

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pregnancy Gull Bladder

II MEETING: WEDNESDAY, April 22 at 10:45 am I

The cycle of meetings of our "JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE CRISIS" with professors and Boots Acquaroli which will analyze the effects of this global crisis has had and is having in the enterprise. A particular point of view che non si ferma a guardare il presente ma avanza proposte nuove per il futuro. Un evento a cui non si può mancare.


Ring Ring Pick Up The Telephone Free

MEETING: Tuesday 21 April 14.15 April 9

Per iniziare questo "VIAGGIO AL CENTRO DELLA CRISI" non potevamo non partire da un'analisi storica: i professori Sori ed Ercolani ci aiuteranno a capire cosa ha caratterizzato le crisi del passato per poter meglio interpretare quello che sta succedendo oggi, mettendo a confronto analogie e differenze. Un appuntamento imperdibile per chi ama la storia recente, per chi vuol capire questa crisi globale e per chi crede che "chi dimentica i fatti della storia sooner or later be forced to relive "

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Online Paint South Park

: A YEAR OF BUSINESS '... but the thought of flying Eagle .. SCIENCE & PHILOSOPHY

E 'with great serenity that we celebrate our first birthday: the experience, the entry of new members and the success of the events are the gift we have developed with these 365 days of work. And the ideas in the pipeline for the coming months are proof that there really want to do. Waiting for the new headquarters, the greenery of the courtyard of Villarey "lends itself so well as a basin from which to start new initiatives. And the carelessness on our faces just a mask that hides the minds always work, especially for those who are counting down for the day of bay. However, on the one hand there is this joy for the achievement, the other is the mere thought of as a friend Aquila affected by the earthquake of 6 April. many families and many students. A shock to the whole society that has shown the impotence of man but also the strength of men who together are doing so much. Holding tight in the center there are many more, working with mind and hands to help those who are impressed, living with the spirit of those who want to start over and rebuild.
For this reason, "ODA flag" waving for her birthday, but at half mast.

Ikusa Otome Suvia Stream

Art has been a fundamental characteristic of virtually all civilizations
'and in all civilizations
has enjoyed and enjoys great respect and appreciation, for many
human experience is among the highest. The theme of the art - cos' it is art, because it was
and is so important in the history of civilization, because it is so
source of strong emotions - has been the subject of countless discussions
and was considered from many perspectives but when
without a clear answer.
According to some, the answer may lie in the fact that so far in the discussions
sull’arte non sia stato considerato un
attore fondamentale: il cervello, il vero responsabile della creazione,
dell’esecuzione e della fruizione dell’opera d’arte. In realtà, l’arte
è un’attività umana e, come tutte le attività umane, incluse quelle
tradizionalmente escluse dal novero delle attività studiabili con
un approccio naturalistico - come l’etica, la legge, la morale e la
religione - dipende dall’attività del cervello.
Anche se ancora non conosciamo in maniera
sufficientemente dettagliata le basi neurofisiologiche di queste
funzioni ed anche se chi si occupa di scienza è in qualche modo
imbarazzato to talk about art, the spectacular progress that
neuroscience have lived the last thirty years
allow a glimpse of some possible responses and make it necessary to neuroscience
enlargement of the discussion about art.
These considerations have been the decisive push for
the birth of a new discipline, neuroestetica, representing
another commendable attempt to build bridges between cultures traditionally
The subject is so broad that it can not be treated in
four conferences. The neurobiological basis of creativity
have been treated in the 2007 edition of the Meetings of Science & Philosophy.
The series of conferences offered this year by Science & Philosophy
does focus the discussion on the role that new knowledge can have in shaping neurobiological
concept of art and, above all, the investigations aimed to define the base
brain aesthetic experience and enjoyment of art.
To ensure a greater depth of field, as well
to the very high scientific profile of the speakers, we have planned a conference
two entries where a neuroscientist and a philosopher
discuss an issue of great impact in our understanding of
artistic enjoyment.
Fiorenzo Conti - Fausto Pugnaloni

Le Conferenze si svolgeranno presso il Rettorato
dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche - Piazza Roma, 22


mercoledì 29 aprile 2009
ore 17,45
EST ESTetica?
Philippe Daverio
Università di Palermo, Palermo
mercoledì 13 maggio 2009
ore 17,45
Lamberto Maffei
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Arte e Cervello
giovedì 21 maggio 2009
ore 17,45
Vittorio Gallese
Università di Parma, Parma
Maurizio Ferraris
Università di Torino, Torino