Here !!!!!!!!
nis forgives the balance and will slam in your face all the vices and culinary revelry ... DRAMA !!!!!!
4 kg to lose and have no desire at all, but still a good connection I did for a while ENOUGH WITH THE CHOCOLATE ... you know you will tell me CRAZY, heretic, but I have ... Please stay next;)
assiamo But now in this recipe that includes mushrooms in the original version, which we have found and replaced with another type of fungus (which is obviously not quite remember the name).
The recipe comes from a monthly "Cucina Naturale" that I can not 'find on sale !!!!!!
500 grams of yellow potatoes
250/300 grams of mushrooms
plum tomatoes 200 gr 150 gr of fresh goat cheese 1 small bunch of parsley
1 small bunch chives (if you find that tell me where because it is apparently rare)
1 sprig of thyme oil
Boil the potatoes, peel them and cut them in slices half a centimeter thick. In the same water of the tubers (not say I'm not professional?) You blanch the tomatoes for a few minutes Peel and cut into cubes.
Clean mushrooms and cut into slices.
Sfogliate e tritate finemente rosmarino, timo , prezzemolo ed erba cipollina.
Oliate una pirofila capiente e adagiatevi uno strato di patate leggermente sovrapposte.
Salatele e cospargetele con un filo di olio, cospargete poi con il caprimo ridotto a fiocchetti e con metà delle erbe tritate .
Coprite con i funghi aggiungete un altro strato di fiocchi di caprino e di erbe , i dadini di pomodoro e una presa di sale .
Irrorate ( e qui batto tutti sull'uso della corretta terminologia cucinense) con 3-4 cucchiai di olio .
Infornate a 200° per 20/25 minuti .
lasciate intiepidire e servite lo sformato .
Buono , saporito ma delicato leggero e facile da fare :)
Lelli in cucina
The pie
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