will have a great Christmas ?!!!!!!!!!
I hope so, ate too ?!!!!!!!
I really think so !!!!!!
So a nice light recipe light there is good ... hihihiihhihihih
This recipe I found on the Salt and Pepper in November and is really good and tasty
INGREDIENTS FOR 6 PEOPLE (I reduced the dose because we were in fourth and I only used the breast of chicken, the rest I do not like ;))
2 chickens 800 gr chopped 3 lemons
a glass of white wine
4 leaves of sage and rosemary
a clove of garlic 100 grams of black olives
EVO oil salt pepper
removing the chicken skin (if you're like me and take only your chest I will save this big job) and cut it into pieces.
Peel and chop the garlic with rosemary, sage leaves and parsley.
Squeeze 2 lemons and mix the juice with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and the chopped prepro.
Sprinkle the chicken with the marinade, salt and pepper and cook for 2 hours to cool.
Drain the chicken pieces and brown on all sides for 20 minutes in 5 / 6 tablespoons of oil.
Add the wine and let it evaporate, add the remaining lemon juice and cook, covered for another 25 minutes, adding a little hot water if necessary.
Complete with black olives, stir well and serve.
I have to say good, really tasty and if you like me gets a little disgusting dead animal with the flavor of this marinade covers it very well and takes a taste fantastic
Happy New Year to tuttiiiiiiii
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