latito Yeah I know, but I cook the recipes for down payment and then post when I have a bit of time to me, because girls and I have decided to look Memo home, so between work and this new commitment, I tell you to do ?!!!!!! TIME 0
However, the time to make muffins can always be found here and there and then peeking into your kitchens hypergolic obviously some nice recipe I found ... Eli , Imma often if I do not want me inspire you, cooked hihihihih but too well, and then from the two recipes have come out of these muffins, which I've already fired everyone:)
1/2 cucchiaino di bicarbonato
180 gr di margarina
290 gr di farina di Kamut
150 ml di latte Zimyl
1/ bustina di lievito
buccia di limone
5 cucchiai di succo di mirtilli
3 cucchiai di succo di sambuco
un pizzico di sale
2 uova + 1 tuorlo
200 gr di zucchero
150 cl di panna di soia
Fate ammorbidire la margarina e poi montatelo con lo zucchero .
Sbattete le uova con il latte e la panna , unite il composto sempre mescolando al composto con il burro e continuate a mescolare fino a quando non diventa liscio , aggiungete il succo di mirtilli e quello di sambuco .
In un altra ciotola mescolate la farina , baking powder, baking soda and salt and add it little by little to the mixture moist.
Finally the lemon rind.
Put the mixture into cups and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.
Once you are ready to off oven let rest for 5 minutes with the oven door open.
If sometimes you can sprinkle with powdered sugar ....
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