Friday, December 17, 2010

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If Bagnasco in politics

Paolo Flores d'Arcais

Moralmenteparlando, siamoalgovernoBerlusconi-Scilipoti. Politically, we are the government of the three B: Berlusconi, Bossi and Bagnasco. His Eminence, in fact, a few moments after the vote-commercialization of Montecitorio which Berlusconi had avoided the distrust already felt the compelling urge to so incensed: "Again and again the Italians have expressed a desire for governability. This desire, this desire expressed in a clear and democratic, it must be universally respected and pursued by all with good will and honesty. " The most filthy cattle market which is been given to assist in the Italian Parliament is so hallowed by the President of the Episcopal Conference, which speaks clearly on behalf of all the Italian bishops.

c'entrino What good will and honesty "with the brash purchase" so much per pound, "urbi et orbi extended all along months, men and women who should represent the nation, only God knows. With this latest "endorsement" to a close friend of Putin and Gaddafi, the hierarchical Church has touched the zenith in his pilgrimage back to Constantine, trampling all the openings of secularism of Vatican II and the "Good Pope" John XXIII.

In one of the most famous passages of the Gospel (Luke 16:13), GesùdiGalileacondannal'aviditàdiricchezzeconil final "Ye can not serve God and Mammon," and in Italy there is no one - with decades of tetragonal consistency in public and private behavior-abbiadimostratodirappresentareeincarnarei (dis) values \u200b\u200bof Mammon best of Mr. Berlusconi Arcore. But the head of the Italian bishops, the boundless corruption and exhibited of power and money, imposed by poor governance regime as the supreme criterion of moral evaluation, seems to be a julep of honesty and good will. You can not believe that the entire Italian Church condividatantooltranzismofilo-berlusconiano.Certo, there are the "priests in the front line, who have the courage to condemn the" ignominy lunch with Berlusconi & # 8221, and the "scandal of the Catholic hierarchy chesièinginocchiataallamensadellacorruzione, corruptions and offered in return received money from sin, snatch laws" to end with a "Bagnasco, Bertone, Ruini. Deliver us, O Lord! " (Don Paolo Farinella). But even in the Church hierarchy, the bishops, that many who can whisper the same opinions in private, have chosen to decline to a voluntary "church of silence"?


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