Monday, November 15, 2010

Suche House Lied Papapapapa


I borrow the words of which seem to me Piero Ricca the most appropriate to express what I think about the primary yesterday in Milan. Add to my only a few brief comments: 1) I am very pleased that the Boers do not have done, and 2) the analysis of the votes made on a sample so small I seem to at least be taken with the tongs, and 3) I am convinced that Onida's candidacy has served to win Pisapia (quell'undici percent because otherwise, I fear, would be mainly oriented towards the Boers) 4) Onida was still my favorite candidate but I still like very Pisapia.

"He won Giuliano Pisapia. He lost the Democratic Party. This
the outcome of the elections primaries held yesterday in Milan. The turnout was lower than expected and lower than the previous time. It is not a good sign. Pisapia had the courage to believe from the outset, to nominate first and setting a good campaign, able to go beyond the fences of the party. The Democratic Party is once again confronted with his own distance from the Royal Society. A nothing is worth the availability of the only (albeit reduced) system of party politics on the square left of center. When citizens have an alternative, in Apulia as in Milan, choose it. It has done well, as we read and write, the provincial leadership and a citizen of that party to resign. It 's a first step: support for a long time, the entire national leadership is clear, but I fear it is inevitable that a new stinging defeat to get to that point. Returning to yesterday's primary, to be reported also good evidence of Professor Valerio Onida, which occurred in the name of a political proposal sober and clean, although for curriculum and age, rather than an operational task, it would suited to preside over an institution guarantee. Michele Sacerdoti, independent candidate for the generous cut environmentalist, along with Onida, can make a significant contribution in stage of drawing up the plans for elections next spring. Now is the time unit, this is the rule of the primaries. We will see in the coming weeks if it really be so, if that is all the contenders will fight hard to win the final choice. Of course, the two-round voting procedure is not recommended to make lists and independent candidates within the opposition to the junta Moratti, beyond the outcome of the primaries. Indeed, according to a theory is not farfetched - assuming the runoff, having regard to the presentation of a list Finian-centrist - more lists are presented in the first round, the better, because this will attract the most votes to the various fringe of the electorate. The important thing is to find unity in the second round. For more than a signal that strengthens the feeling, not only in Milan, in this time of political crisis, is destined to prevail in elections to those who can more effectively fight the temptation to refrain from its potential constituency. We face a long campaign, and it is good because this time there will be time to turn in length and breadth of the city to build and disseminate the program and make known the candidate in all the districts. Given the economic and media power of the adversary, called the mobilization and commitment to the tens of thousands of people who participated in the primaries yesterday, Giuliano Pisapia and his staff will be a real priority. " November


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