The new labor law hinders the possibility of Because the company
George Meletti (IL FATTO QUOTIDIANO 13.11.10)
Partiamo dal lato pratico. Tutti i lavoratori precari che stanno rimuginando l’idea di fare causa a un datore di lavoro che in passato li ha impiegati come dipendenti di fatto ma con un contratto senza garanzie devono correre dall’avvocato. Subito. La legge n. 183 del 4 novembre 2010, nota come “collegato lavoro”, contiene infatti un trappolone di cui il governo non ha dato nessuna informazione agli interessati. Più volte nei mesi scorsi, sulle colonne del Fatto Quotidiano, il giuslavorista Massimo Roccella, suddenly disappeared in recent days, sounded the alarm about what was cooking the Parliament. Now the news is read.
Surprises Article 32.
And the new rules there is one that requires temporary workers by some quick reflexes. They are Article 32 (paragraphs 3 and 4) of leggeinquestione.Meglioessere pedanti.C 'èscrittoche "ledisposizioni referred to in Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604 "(which require the dismissal the employee must be challenged within 60 days) also apply: forward contracts, the relationship of coordinated and continuous ( in collaboration coordinated project ( In short, aiprecari.Primadivedere the significance of this new rule should be noted that it was retroactive. That is true not only for future working relationships, but also for the outstanding and those already completed.
The first emergency is precisely for those who have a problem with a contract in the past. The law states that all people have to make this an appeal against the company within 60 days after into force of the law. Published in the Official Gazette on November 9, the law comes into vigoredopo15giorni, cioèil24novembre. Since then click the 60 days ending January 23, 2011. Who has not at least sent a letter of announcement of legal action by that date will lose the right to any compensation to the employer. Until now, the law also gave years to the worker to settle accounts with those who thought he had wronged. Now we fix a termineravvicinatocheriguarda all previous cases, suggesting the precarious precarious a crossroad or former dry: now do or cause to put a lid on it.
For those who have a contract in place the question is less urgent but forsepiùdrammatica.L 'typical example is that of the worker hired by a series of forward contracts or cooperation or advice. Many precarihannounasortadistagionalità work. It can also happen chetrauncontrattoel'altropassi an interval of 60 days or more. The precarious is there waiting to be called back to work. Now the anxiety is added to the anxiety. If waiting for the new contract, the worker will pass rei60giorni, perderàognidiritto dichiederegiustiziaauntribunale work.
the crossroads: do cause or not?
to discover, perhaps, that nonvienepiùchiamatoallavoro: the injury and insult. Therefore, the preload can be induced to make because, at least close to the expiry of 60 days. But when they sue, they can be reassured that hardly will be recalled to work. And the recommended amounts to traumatic rupture of the relationship with the company. He wrote seven months ago, Professor Roccella: "It is well known that temporary workers, the weakest and most defenseless, cipensanoduevolteprima to apply to the court, hoping to be summarized, the rigor of abstract available the case in many cases will ultimately result in concrete regularization of abuse. "
Fulvio Fammoni, confederal secretary of the CGIL, which deals with the topic, is trying to compensate for the absence of information from the government by organizing a Carthusian leaflets throughout Italy: "The Ministry of Welfare is not doing anything to make it known to millions of workers that their contract terms have changed radically. " The campaign of flyers to interested the CGIL explains what to do: "I contrattidilavoroprecarigiàconclusi long time, if it is considered to be tainted by irregularities must be contested in writing within 60 days after the entry into force of the law. This is the letter that puòfareancheconunasemplice halt the law. Then you will have available 270 days to go before a judge. "
Article 32 of Law 183 contains another provision very interesting in some ways even more insidious of the above, and which inter alia also covers workers on temporary contracts perpetuity. Establishes a new legal approach of the dismissal hearing.
Dismissal diventa orale?
IL LICENZIAMENTO deve, per obbligo di legge, essere comunicato in forma scritta. Se comunicato oralmente non è valido, quindi è impugnabile. L’articolo 32, al comma 2, così recita: “Ledisposizionidicuiall'articolo 6 della legge 15 luglio 1966, n. 604, come modificato dal comma 1 del presente articolo, si applicano anche a tutti i casi di invalidità del licenziamento”. Traduzione: il termine di 60 giorni per l’impugnazione dal 24 novembre varrà anche per i licenziamenti orali. Finora la cosa era ritenuta dalla giurisprudenza una bestemmia.
Anche su Roccella had forewarned this: "You can bet that future layoffs oral rather rare so far have spread like wildfire: an employer, in fact, simply argue that in fact there was the dismissal, but well before the date specified by the employee (and offer to try it with complacent witnesses) to stop the process. "
There will be a lot of work for lawyers and the courts work. And perhaps for the Constitutional Court
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