Monday, January 25, 2010

2008 Honda Front License Plate Holder


This risotto was born from a dinner with my best friend, was a life that we had not seen and so we opted for a very very nice restaurant in Ponte Milvio, where in addition to a good food also have a good wine list, which is not bad for our evening saw a thousand things to tell us something to wet your throat and served as we know water makes me rust) ... yes I'm linger and I'm lost .... I said ?!!!!!!... Ah yes the risotto, was well in the menu and the curiosity I tried, I liked it so much the combination of radicchio with prawns and orange that I wanted to do it again now and so here it

Ingredients for 4 people (please do not hate me but I went very eye)

Rice carnaroli I are set with 2 punches head
300 g prawns (this time I bought them frozen) 1 head of radicchio

Half an onion 1 orange
Pepe Rosa
salt vegetable broth

blanch the shrimp in lightly salted water when ready remove them from the water and keep the cooking water aside.
fry the onion in 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil until brown and then remove.
Blow up the rice in oil for a few minutes and then begin to stretch with the shrimp cooking water if not enough to finish cooking the rice, add the vegetable stock.
Add the prawns and let finish cooking.
When cooked add the radicchio cut into strips, and grated Serve each portion of rice on a splash of orange peel, garnish with red pepper and taste the dish;)

With this recipe for the collection of Elena

Besos LM

Simple Small Wood Carvers Bench


latito Yeah I know, but I cook the recipes for down payment and then post when I have a bit of time to me, because girls and I have decided to look Memo home, so between work and this new commitment, I tell you to do ?!!!!!! TIME 0
However, the time to make muffins can always be found here and there and then peeking into your kitchens hypergolic obviously some nice recipe I found ... Eli , Imma often if I do not want me inspire you, cooked hihihihih but too well, and then from the two recipes have come out of these muffins, which I've already fired everyone:)

1/2 cucchiaino di bicarbonato
180 gr di margarina
290 gr di farina di Kamut
150 ml di latte Zimyl
1/ bustina di lievito
buccia di limone
5 cucchiai di succo di mirtilli
3 cucchiai di succo di sambuco
un pizzico di sale
2 uova + 1 tuorlo
200 gr di zucchero
150 cl di panna di soia

Fate ammorbidire la margarina e poi montatelo con lo zucchero .
Sbattete le uova con il latte e la panna , unite il composto sempre mescolando al composto con il burro e continuate a mescolare fino a quando non diventa liscio , aggiungete il succo di mirtilli e quello di sambuco .
In un altra ciotola mescolate la farina , baking powder, baking soda and salt and add it little by little to the mixture moist.
Finally the lemon rind.
Put the mixture into cups and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.
Once you are ready to off oven let rest for 5 minutes with the oven door open.
If sometimes you can sprinkle with powdered sugar ....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Generateur Action Replay Harvest Moon Ds

wandering through MAREMMA

So that is not the first time that I go and Memo in Tuscany, even there we turned in the long and wide but it is the first time that we turn areas Maremma ... wonder for the eyes, the heart and palate !!!!!!!
So let's start from the beginning, January 4, the undersigned has completed 34 years and as always I try to avoid parents and relatives that require you to celebrate by having lunch or dinner with 200 people, was not even my marriage to my mother, who begins with the litany of "you were not born yet at this beautiful de mama" and then in recent years I have found the solution "is my birthday and I partied like it seems to me"!
This year was chosen FARM AND FANCAZZISMO, FANTASTIC !!!!!
We chose the area because it is much more di Scansano 'near Rome and 1 hour and 1 / 2 we get, since I'm out of work for 1800.
L'agriturismo lo ha scelto Memo e come sempre non mi ha deluso !!!!
Arriviamo alle 20.30 con un tempo da lupi scollindando per la maremma Toscana in mezzo ad un bosco , località Salaioli , Agriturismo " Salaiolo 176 ".
Se volete fare un giro da queste parti ve lo consiglio vivamente: accoglienza fantastica , gentilissimi , colazione da re , compreso latte appena munto la mattina, dolci appena sfornati e schiaccia calda appena tolta dal forno , miele , burro e marmellate di loro produzione , camere carinissime e molto pulite .
Il podere è enorme e hanno un sacco di animali tra cui lepri e conigli che gironzolano tranquillamente liberi per il podere , un silenzio ed una pace unici.
Avendo questo come punto di partenza ci siamo sparati in 1 giorno e mezzo 200 e ripeto, 200 Km di curve, ma ne è valsa la pena .
Siamo stati sul Monte Amiata perchè Lelli voleva mettere i piedini sulla neve , Scansano, Pitigliano, Sorano, Sovana, Semproniano.
Tutti luoghi meravigliosi ...e poi la cucina!!!! Poi mi chiedo come ho fatto a prendere 4 kg ?!!!!!!;)
Abbiamo anche ovviamente acquistato prodotti della terra , rigorosamente da agricoltura biologica quali : Morellino di Scansano , unica mia bevanda durante questi 3 giorni , caciottina di pecora fatta nell'agriturismo dove siamo stati stagionata , caciottina di pecora fresca, olio ( di un verde intensissimo), Vino bianco di Pitigliano, salamella di cinghiale (Memo, I miss eating the dead) of jams and sauces purchased in a shop in Sovana which only preserves and much more:)
What can I say, I would go to live now, as always in Tuscany these days and does not disappoint we were used to recharge a bit 'batteries ... next destination Umbria)

Going Amiata nooo ... it was bad weather;)

Finally neveeeeeee

Ristorantino delicious with wonderful fireplace that did not take, but there comes Lelli slips in and Olympians via FLAMES !!!!!

Alcuni amici dell'agriturismo

Colori che ti riempiono gli occhi

Lelli a Sorano al castello degli Orsini

Memo sulla torre dell'orologio ( ovviamente la foto artistica l'ho fatta io ;) )


Giuro ho finito !!!!!!!!
Lo so che sono stata prolissa ma credetemi io vado in brodo di giuggiole when I go to these places:) Besos

LM urge diet

Monday, January 11, 2010

How To Stop My Leg From Twitching

Baked potatoes and mushrooms HERB CHICKEN

Here !!!!!!!!
nis forgives the balance and will slam in your face all the vices and culinary revelry ... DRAMA !!!!!!
4 kg to lose and have no desire at all, but still a good connection I did for a while ENOUGH WITH THE CHOCOLATE ... you know you will tell me CRAZY, heretic, but I have ... Please stay next;)

assiamo But now in this recipe that includes mushrooms in the original version, which we have found and replaced with another type of fungus (which is obviously not quite remember the name).
The recipe comes from a monthly "Cucina Naturale" that I can not 'find on sale !!!!!!

500 grams of yellow potatoes
250/300 grams of mushrooms

plum tomatoes 200 gr 150 gr of fresh goat cheese 1 small bunch of parsley

1 small bunch chives (if you find that tell me where because it is apparently rare)
1 sprig of thyme oil


Boil the potatoes, peel them and cut them in slices half a centimeter thick. In the same water of the tubers (not say I'm not professional?) You blanch the tomatoes for a few minutes Peel and cut into cubes.
Clean mushrooms and cut into slices.
Sfogliate e tritate finemente rosmarino, timo , prezzemolo ed erba cipollina.
Oliate una pirofila capiente e adagiatevi uno strato di patate leggermente sovrapposte.
Salatele e cospargetele con un filo di olio, cospargete poi con il caprimo ridotto a fiocchetti e con metà delle erbe tritate .
Coprite con i funghi aggiungete un altro strato di fiocchi di caprino e di erbe , i dadini di pomodoro e una presa di sale .
Irrorate ( e qui batto tutti sull'uso della corretta terminologia cucinense) con 3-4 cucchiai di olio .
Infornate a 200° per 20/25 minuti .
lasciate intiepidire e servite lo sformato .

Buono , saporito ma delicato leggero e facile da fare :)

Lelli in cucina

The pie