REPORT DEL 1^ INCONTRO Human Resources-aiesec DEL 07/11/08 con l'imprenditore Enrico Paniccià - Giano SRL (produzione di calzature)
Curriculum Vitae Born in Fermo 13/05/74 (34 years!) Conjugate PadreDiplomato Accountant and commerce expert at the ITC Carducci Galilei di Fermo (my!) Address IGEA degree in economics and Commerce (Business address old system) with the 07/07/2000 100/110 Thesis: The evolution of marketing in the footwear sector (Rapporteur: Gregori) Master of English - IEC University Boulder - Colorado USA (2 months) in Master Marketing - IEC University Boulder - Colorado USA (3 months)
The meeting begins with an introduction by Professor and Chairman Cucculelli Aiesec con l'obiettivo di chiarire che la scelta del numero ristretto di interessati è di stabilire un contatto più diretto e ristretto fra le parti dell'evento. La parola passa a Enrico Paniccià il quale inizia una breve presentazione (vedi curriculum) e poi passa alla descrizione della sua azienda (chi vuole la descrizione dettagliata me la chieda). In breve, fu il nonno a fondare circa 60 anni fa l'impresa il quale passò il testimone ai figli che la guidarono negli anni del boom calzaturiero a cavallo degli anni 60 e 70. Negli anni 80 il fermano diventò il centro calzaturiero più importante del mondo portando l'azienda dai livelli micro a quelli di piccola impresa. La crisi degli anni 90 dovuta alla forte concorrenza internazionale (di cui oggi we see the actual developments) directed the company towards a slow but steady decline. In 2000 Henry joined the company as effectively AD (although in reality in the years of youth is always complemented by his father at work) with the aim of innovating the business and give her momentum. Followed two paths: to increase production capacity to push the product abroad (still need agents in Russia, USA, etc. ..), strengthening the brand's niche producing shoes (custom made). The strategy was successful and decided not to adopt the Licensing renting the brand La Martina (Argentina) to move the company from a purely industrial and commercial Industiral. In practice, such as Janus, but produced marketed under the brand La Martina attacked. + Quality Mark (the undisputed footwear stop) = 5-fold increase in turnover in the period immediately following adoption of these policies. For the future the aim is to integrate with their retail outlets.
The comments most interesting entrepreneur in response to our questions:
"in the initial period of business life, around the world or comparisons with other employers you have the feeling that the knowledge Stana is a thing: more laws, more studies and more you realize you do not know and you have to constantly keep to read and know "
" when I went to Argentina to speak with the CEO of La Martina (62 years), the agreement has been achieved through the enthusiasm and desire to make the AD told me sent him because certainly he would not based on credibility "
" perhaps at the root of all this is the passion to work, you must be sure to do the job that you like "
" all ' start in business, try not to get as many do, that is sure to be on top of those already living the company just because you have just received a degree, try to be humble and to learn and grow quickly putting involved in discussion and especially to win the post of manager. If after some time someone has not yet realized that you changed the company, you will still experience. "
" The main difference between Italian and American universities are basically two: 1) U.S. relations with Professor is very straightforward compared to our system but I still had a prof (and Raggetti Gregori) that promoted this very type of teaching, 2) our universities give a theoretical certainly better than American ones "
(as an answer to the question of spokesman AUS) "having a wife and two children of 3 and 1 year I'd be hypocritical if gripping account of the motherhood as a discriminating factor that probably will meet women who I assume, since 80% of staff are women. Unfortunately in many companies but it happens a little history of this country in which the voices of young people are not being heard probably because the managers are so old as to not remember the condition "
" work with a group of six boys all over younger than me and I believe that teamwork is essential and it is important to have the habit of working together "
What looks into the curriculum? KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH: GOOD but not the teaching, the interview begins with him (and is in part Ingels in) and then goes to the office recruitment (external), which is a test of English (even if you have a certification) and an aptitude for assessing motivation and character EXPERIENCE ABROAD especially if working; care who has addressed the difficulties of living a truly new esperineza DEGREE IN TIME, crafts "student", STAGE EXPERIENCE in groups, associations, etc. she can give the interview and test in 2 months which are typically made 110 is always an option and certainly the last requirement
In warmly thank AIESEC for the chance to put his nose out tangible dall'esamificio and compare him with the 'economy real "I think it was a very well organized and very interesting.
Interviewer: Roberto
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