Service Mark Taccucci.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Service Mark Taccucci.
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After the home defeat (0-1) suffered the Stadium of San Siro in the first leg, the Rossoneri put us heart and grit (but not too much, given that Gattuso was suspended) but by a whisker can not overturn the result and to qualify for the quarterfinals of the most prestigious continental tournament.
Il pareggio a reti inviolate (0 - 0) condanna infatti un Milan che ha dovuto accontentarsi di soli 90 minuti (più recupero) per provare a segnare quella rete che avrebbe riequilibrato il match e aperto prospettive di qualificazione per la squadra ormai (virtualmente) Campione d'Italia 2010 - 2011. Da segnalare il solito, devastante Zlatan Ibrahimovic: memorabile la partita dello svedese, sempre decisivo ed incontenibile quando gioca in Europa ma scarsamente supportato dai compagni. E' stato comunque un Milan combattivo e sfortunato, al quale è mancato davvero poco per realizzare un vero e proprio miracolo sportivo.
E settimana prossima tocca all'Inter.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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I remember that on that occasion was my sister - with the grace of an elephant - to give me the news: "I think that is died that singer of that group that plays you, Alice -something ", then confermatami news from a friend music that knows more than me and you all put together, this time to tell me was the fact that a colleague at the Last night had been notified of the death of Alice in Chains bassist wrong (Mike Inez), which fortunately colleague this morning - before taking pain - had already checked his sources.
Mike Starr had left Alice in Chains in 1993 ( was replaced by Mike Inez) because of his heroin addiction and in 2009 had participated in the reality show Celebrity Rehab , in which celebrities tell the public their problems with drugs and alcohol, and their struggle to escape from these dependencies. Last February, Mike Starr had been arrested because they found in possession of drugs for which the prescription is required: Starr, however, had only drugs but no prescription. On
official website of Alice in Chains, returned to prominence in 2009 with the album Black Gives Way to Blue, this message appeared: " Members of Alice in Chains are mourning the loss of Their friend and ask That the media RESPECT Their privacy - and the privacy of the Starr family - During this Difficult Time. Their thoughts & prayers are with the Starr family. .
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After the home defeat (2-3) suffered at the Stadio Olimpico in the first leg, they put the yellow and red heart for a breath, and elbows but can not overturn the result and to qualify for the quarterfinals of the most prestigious continental tournament It would be enough in fact they scored 4 goals in 3 minutes (plus injury time) to beat Shakhtar 3-4 and qualify for the rule of goals marked on the road, but alas doom would otherwise.
The Ukrainian team, which lost at home not far from 55 games, had taken the lead in the 18th for the first time with Hübschman, and in the second half had first doubled (Willian network) and then realized the goal of 3 to 0 with Eduardo when there were still 3 minutes (plus injury time) at the end of the match. Of note is the expulsion of Mexes, a missed penalty by Borriello cover 1 - 0 (odd, Borriello is one that "1000 marks goals per game) and De Rossi's elbow to Srna, unseen by the referee . In short, a Rome-combative and unfortunate, which is not really to make a little miracle sports.
And tonight it is up to Milan.
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time ago browsing here and there I found myself on the blog of Allison on which I saw this beautiful model of the old town.
It seemed pretty simple to make and so I played.
E 'consists of four laps, the first three are working with a shuttle and the ball, the fourth round with just one shuttle. Then
Allison published its creation of a beautiful purple color.
Happy tatting at all.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Ci siamo crogiolati fino ad ora nella pia illusione che la cultura e l’istruzione fossero una nostra prerogativa. Di chi poi è un bel mistero: della sinistra? Degli intellettuali? Della base informata e combattiva? Bho?Forse fino ad un certo momento è stato anche vero: vedere Gasparri seduto in parlamento ci ha fatto venire i brividi ma, in fondo in fondo, ci siamo consolati col pensiero che ‘uno così’ non poteva far altro che scaldare la sedia e obbedire – più o meno abilmente - agli ordini. Facile pensare che una massa di ignoranti avrebbe potuto al massimo fare leggi per conservare i suoi privilegi, e che mai avrebbe avuto le competenze professionali e intellettuali then to design and implement more ambitious plans (and, of course, deleterious).
But sooner or later we realize that things are not so. We are organizing and, as a slow but relentless drop of castor oil, we are planning a future in their own image and likeness. When the boss seems closer to succumb, expect the worst alternative.
Milan is decentralization: local music live where you are closed one after the other with the most absurd pretexts, the services for the homeless are dislodged from the stations to be moved under the train tunnel where are not visible and traceable; the homeless are turned away from areas of greater visibility and literally harassed by fighters and AMSA (not kidding). This happens more in the name of the city a facelift that is just the name of the new rules without overbuilding. And this is just an example.
Maybe it's time to wake up and realize that, despite appearances, Gasparri also has a brain. Hard to swallow ....
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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"When public school is strong and sure thing, then, but only then, the private school is not dangerous. Then, but only then, the private school can be an asset. It can be a good thing that private forces, educational initiatives of classes, religious groups, political groups, philosophies, cultural trends of, cooperate with the state to expand, to stimulate, and renew attempts with a variety of culture. In family law, enshrined in another article of the Constitution, in Article 30, to instruct and educate their children, this opportunity is to be given to families to make their children attend schools of their choice and then to allow the establishment of schools that best correspond with certain guarantees that we will now see the political preferences, religious, culturali di quella famiglia. Ma rendiamoci ben conto che mentre la scuola pubblica è espressione di unità, di coesione, di uguaglianza civica, la scuola privata è espressione di varietà, che può voler dire eterogeneità di correnti decentratrici, che lo Stato deve impedire che divengano correnti disgregatrici. La scuola privata, in altre parole, non è creata per questo.La scuola della Repubblica, la scuola dello Stato, non è la scuola di una filosofia, di una religione, di un partito, di una setta. Quindi, perché le scuole private sorgendo possano essere un bene e non un pericolo, occorre:
- che lo Stato le sorvegli e le controlli e che sia neutrale, imparziale tra esse. Che non favorisca un gruppo di scuole private to the detriment of others.
- that private schools correspond to certain minimum level of seriousness of organization.
Only in this way and other more precise, that are soon to tell, you can have the advantage of co-existence of public schools with private school. The race is between private and state schools. They establish a competition between public schools and private schools, so that the State arising from these private schools, and that eventually may lead to ideas and achievements so far in the public schools did not exist, feel encouraged to do better, to make, whether I am allowed the expression, "more optimistic" their schools. Stimulus, therefore, must be the private school to the state, not because of abdication. There are also Party schools or church schools. But the state must monitor the needs regular to be taken to their limits and must be able to do better than them. The school in the state, then, must be a guarantee, because you do not slip into what would be the end of the school and perhaps the end of democracy and freedom, that is, the school party. How do you set up in a country with a party school? It can be done in two ways. One is that of totalitarianism open, said. We have experienced, unfortunately. I think everyone here you remember, though many people do you remember most. We experimented under Fascism. All schools become schools of the State: private school is no longer permitted, but the State becomes a party and then all schools are state schools, but schools are for this party. But there is another form to convert the school to get state party school or sect. Totalitarianism subtle, indirect, torpid, sluggish like some pneumonias that are without fever, but are dangerous.
Let us assume, so theoretically, there is a ruling party, a ruling party, which, however, formally wants to respect the constitution, not want to violate the substance. It does not make the march Rome and transform the classroom space for the paddles, but wants to establish, without opinion, a disguised dictatorship. So, what to do to gain control of schools and to transform the State schools into Party schools? He realizes that the State schools have the defect of being impartial. There is some resistance, in those schools is always there, even under fascism has been there. Then, the dominant party follows another path (it's all a theoretical hypothesis, mind you). He begins to neglect the public schools, to discredit, to impoverish. Let it anemizzino and begins to favor private schools. Not all schools private. The schools of his party, that party. And then all these treatments are beginning to go to private schools. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise the boys to go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. And maybe give themselves awards, as now I will tell you, or proposes to give awards to citizens who are willing to send their children to public schools rather than private schools. A "those" private schools. The exams are easier, unless you study and you do best. So the private school becomes a privileged school. The ruling party, could not transform the State schools openly in Party schools, sends ruin the State schools to give the head its private schools. Beware, my friends, this conference this is the point that we must discuss. Warning, this is the recipe. We must keep an eye on the cooks of this low kitchen. The operation is done in three ways: I have already said
- ruin the State schools. Let go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs.
- the mitigation monitoring and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let the teachers teach you that do not have the minimum qualifications to teach. Let the examinations are jokes.
- to give public money to private schools. This is the point. Dare alle scuole private denaro pubblico!
Quest’ultimo è il metodo più pericoloso. » la fase più pericolosa di tutta l’operazione […]. Questo dunque è il punto, è il punto più pericoloso del metodo. Denaro di tutti i cittadini, di tutti i contribuenti, di tutti i credenti nelle diverse religioni, di tutti gli appartenenti ai diversi partiti, che invece viene destinato ad alimentare le scuole di una sola religione, di una sola setta, di un solo partito […].
Per prevedere questo pericolo, non ci voleva molta furberia. Durante la Costituente, a prevenirlo nell’art. 33 della Costituzione fu messa questa disposizione: “Enti e privati hanno diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione senza onere per lo Stato”. Come sapete questa formula nacque da un compromesso; e come tutte le formule nate da compromessi, offre il destro, oggi, ad interpretazioni sofistiche […]. Ma poi c’è un’altra questione che è venuta fuori, che dovrebbe permettere di raggirare la legge. Si tratta di ciò che noi giuristi chiamiamo la “frode alla legge”, che è quel quid che i clienti chiedono ai causidici di pochi scrupoli, ai quali il cliente si rivolge per sapere come può violare la legge figurando di osservarla […]. E venuta cos” fuori l’idea dell’assegno familiare, dell’assegno familiare scolastico.
Il ministro dell’Istruzione al Congresso Internazionale degli Istituti Familiari, disse: la scuola privata deve servire a “stimolare” al massimo le spese non statali per l’insegnamento, ma non bisogna escludere che anche lo Stato dia sussidi alle scuole private. Però aggiunse: pensate, se un padre vuol mandare il suo figliolo alla scuola privata, bisogna che paghi tasse. E questo padre è un cittadino che ha già pagato come contribuente la sua tassa per partecipare alla spesa che lo Stato eroga per le public schools. So this poor father has to pay twice the fee. Then this worthy citizen who wants to send her son to private school, to lift this double burden, it is given a family allowance. Who wants to send her son to private school, then turns to the state and has a grant, a check [...]. The
send his son to private school is a right, so says the Constitution, but is a right to have it pay? "A right one, if you want, not exercise, but at their own expense. The citizen who wants to send her son to private school, if you pay, if not send him to public school.
To take a comparison, in the field of Justice could make a speech like that. You know how to get justice courts are public, however, citizens have the right to decide their dispute even by the officials. But arbitration is expensive and often costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet it has never occurred to a citizen, who prefers public arbitration courts, to apply to the State to ask for a subsidy in order to pay for the referees! [...]. So this game of family allowances would, if adopted, a kind of incentive paid to boycott the schools of the state and therefore an indirect way of encouraging some schools, a reward for those who send their children to private schools where certain manufacturing is not the citizens and even those who believe in a certain religion, something that can be respectable, but are manufactured in the voters of a certain party. "
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Telese Luke Short interview with Paul Smith on "misdeeds" on Sunday. Just add it deserves and to meditate. Very.
"him I'd not to speak. But I can say one thing. The problem is not only him, but what is left after him even when he falls it will take at least 15 years to detoxify the country from what it has sown. We are all different from what we were. Even the humor has changed, is different. The beauty is that I still can not figure out how ... But I want to tell you that I picked up disturbing signals.
Rome, Victoria Theatre: Paul Smith is sitting in his dressing room, very basic. Eat a bowl of ice cream before the third replica of his new, bitter, Mistero Buffo hilarious. He says: "It 's very good, although yesterday was the eggnog and I had to throw it away ..." (I'll understand why after only an hour). For his mystery Paul has built its own grammelot, and came down into the imagination of evangelism apocryphal as if it were his natural element. In the scene, and even out alternate lines, reflections with open eyes, the story of the last six years of occupation, with two enemies to fight: "I'm always in the trenches," she smiles.
Explain to me this thing of comedy? In what sense is it changed?
E 'we changed because we changed, the reference symbols, principles, language. I can tell a striking story?
Just days before my participation in Come away with me later in a bar in downtown Milan. I do not speak of an extreme periphery. I was a Roman gate ...
It 'important?
Sure, you hear here. The bartender, who knows me, told me: "Is it true that you do not pay?" And I reply: "Maybe, but for me is not important." He said, "Ah ..."
was not convinced?
No. In fact, he says: "Sure, let's take all that money at that Camorra sorry ..." And I, I did not understand: "What repentant Excuse me? "
And he?
That bald, that Savino ...
Wonderful. In fact, terrible.
not over. I still had not taken full consciousness. In fact, I say, "But it's not a regret Camorra. It 'a journalist who wrote a book on the Camorra. It's called Savia-no ... "
At this point you give up?
Macchi. She looks at me with a skeptical eye, and said: "Yes, of course. It's called Saviano. Is a journalist. But while the names made them! "And here is the amazing thing happened that I still can not explain.
I burst out laughing. And I could not stop. They were there very badly. But it was me. Or: I should not laugh. I was not having fun, indeed, I was sick, but I was laugh. There was something dramatic, in that paradox, but the situation was too comical. It was so dramatic comedy, and vice versa, and this merger inseparable are the times in which we live.
Another example.
When I read the survey that the high school boys are convinced that Matteotti was murdered by the Red Brigades. If you think this is funny too. It 's like discovering that we are living in a strange form of Matrix. Nothing serious, but everything is terrible.
Give me another example as well.
Times are fierce. time ago I walked over to Buenos Aires, all fenced off for work. I thought the show, I was distracted. At a certain point I find myself in the maze and I do not know how to get out.
So what are you doing?
I moved a fence, I fall. It makes a loud noise. And you know what happens?
a policeman stops you?
Maybe. Comes a kind of gang and juvenile Bolivianos - in five minutes - literally everything falls apart. Tut-to, you know?
And what do you do?
None. They come in two, finished the work, running towards me, reaching out to e. ..
hit you?
I cry, excited: "That's it, give me five!"
Di nuovo tragico e comico?
Qui con un sapore diverso, telefonato. Prima mi sono vergognato come un cane. Poi ho cercato di fuggire dalla scena del delitto. E quando ho girato l´angolo mi sono detto: “Cristo, ero diventato il capo di una banda di Boliviani!!” E poi ho avuto un flash.
Hai presente Chaplin quando impugna lo straccio red and back in a procession because everyone thinks it's a flag?
On the contrary, though.
Here, Chaplin is a face from Scarface. And it is the language of that time. But while I thought the fact that it hit a hurdle I had become the leader of the gang of Bolivians, again ... E 'was stronger than me, I had to laugh.
You've changed, on stage, you're closer to the registers dramatic. We can say, grandly, you have passed the middle age?
The simple answer is: I quit drinking.
why you could not take the eggnog?
If you feel a particle of alcohol now I feel disgust.
I always hated alcohol. And I start to believe that all alcoholics in some way hate.
What was for you, drinking?
E 'was also a gas. It 's a gas much more widespread than we think, on stage, because it makes you fear go away. But then devours you.
Just you, I hated the public service announcement ...
And it is this: I have done a controversy, on stage with that poster that says: "The drug you off."
wrong message?
Yes, it should say: "Before you turn on, then off you." Otherwise, if your child may fall and think: 'But why it seems to me a great cool? "
How did you find the strength?
There was no scene like The Man in the arm gold. It 'was like diving. Once done, it is made.
you able to draw inspiration from the club type sessions of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I've done a show: imagine the potential to play a scene where twenty men stand up and say: "I'm Peter, and I do not drink from 200 days ...", & # 8220, Charles I: and I do not make 3 months ...", "is fine, and I do not play poker for a two weeks ..."
; And when you arrive, what do you think?
'm Paul, and when I see that we put together all the dependencies of the world, I say: "The only way we can really get out and spend all our vices the other one. "
're always the incorrigible joker anarchist.
No, really: nice to know that the former alcoholic who has been playing poker? And try to imagine the sex maniac who becomes addicted to heroin.
're an evil genius.
No, I'm a comedian. That as a comic note of different things.
Let me give another example.
In my show is a joke about the Gospel precept of del'ago eye.
Well, when do the shows with the schools, that joke is not laughing at anyone. Then once I ask, a scruple: "But you know what the eye of the needle, right?" Silence.
is always a nerd.
Oh, yes. But the nerd replied: "A novel by Ken Follet. Lo, Italy today is this one.
What audience are you?
Of all kinds. Center-right and even center.
You mean the left!
No, I call them the center. The left is finished in 1989. In the old Communist Party was the passion, that he did take the annual leave to fry sausages. Then there was the class struggle. And then there was a Soviet-style nomenclature. Well, the wall fell, the third thing would disappear. Instead they are missing the passion and the class struggle. And remained the only Soviet-style nomenclature.
Dedichi le battute più feroci a Bondi.
Si, poverino. Quando penso che uno così ha potere mi fa rabbia. Poi lo perde e mi fa pena. Poi apre bocca e mi fa rabbia di nuovo.
Quale è la battuta più antica del tuo repertorio.
Non è mia. Me l´ha regalata il famoso carabiniere che mi fermò a un posto di blocco, nel 1977, con una R4 rossa.
What I asked: "Can you decline its generality?"
I said, "My name is Paul Rossi." He says, 'And' brother of the center? "I said," But do you think one has two children, calling them all Paul? "Well, after thirty years ago, always laughing. To me as a policeman I threw open a career.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Need A Fake Community Service Letter
Dear reader,
is paradoxical and unacceptable that a prime minister, called to embody and protect the public good, attacks head-on the state public school , Democratic wins, and then millions of people, teachers, but especially students, who believe in this day and to whom dedicated, often in very difficult conditions, their personal effort: DIFENDIAMOLA !
Concita De Gregorio