Monday, January 31, 2011

The Bestlens Clining Kit For Camrs

LA "Madunina" covered with cement

“ Il piano della giunta Moratti favorisce i costruttori e divora il territorio

  di Ferruccio Sansa (il Fatto Quotidiano 1/2/2011)


     Sarà ricordato come il Piano di San Valentino. Al Piano di Governo del Territorio (Pgt) sono appese the fate of the junta Letizia Moratti, who hope for a re-election must approve it by February 14. Even at the cost of collecting the comments from the public 4765 (2748 amendments supported by the opposition) in eight major groups. A blitz. So in the comments the City Council will vote barrel of a thousand at a time. Only 7 percent have been implemented by the Government. There was no other way.

"Time is running out and the council is now a ghost. Looks like the House, lost all function, "says Basilio Rizzo (professor and adviser to the list Dario Fo). Spiega: “Manca continuamente il numero legale e gli assenti sono proprio nella maggioranza. Ma il centrodestra è diviso e chi dispone di un voto lo fa valere caro. Ci sono consiglieri ricomparsi in aula dopo aver ottenuto poltrone nelle municipalizzate”, accusa Rizzo. Già, le elezioni comunali, i posti in Consiglio sono ridotti da 60 a 48, l’arma di molti consiglieri per la poltrona è questo voto. L’Expo annaspa, la città ogni giorno si guadagna nuovi record di inquinamento e il sindaco Moratti deve per forza sventolare almeno una bandiera.

   “È il provvedimento più important of these five years, "said Letizia Moratti. The rush to approve the document may, however, be a boomerang. The "Milanese bourgeoisie" is hard to find tracks Berlusconi after the cyclone, but civil society rebels, Liberty and Justice appeals. Among the signatories Game Aulenti, Umberto Eco, Don Gino Rigoldi. And Milly Moratti, city councilors of the opposition, that the mayor does not share much in-law. The appeal reveals the bone of the matter: The TMP outlines the urban map of Milan, but also of economic power. "The TMP permetterà 35 milioni di metri cubi di nuove costruzioni, come 341 Pirelloni”, racconta Michele Sacerdoti, ambientalista candidato alle primarie del centrosinistra. Aggiunge: “Saranno realizzate abitazioni per 400mila nuovi abitanti, ma secondo lo stesso Comune la città fino al 2030 crescerà di 60mila”. Milly Moratti non usa giri di parole: “Il Pgt segue un mosaico di richieste dei potenti”. Non è d’accordo Carlo Masseroli, assessore all’Urbanistica: “Il concetto di destinazioni d’uso era superato. Lo abbiamo sostituito con poche regole essenziali che favoriscono lo sviluppo della città pubblica”.  

   Ecco le parole chiave del Pgt: destinazioni d’uso, cooperative e perequazione. La prima rivoluzione, appunto, è quella di cancellare le destinazioni d’uso. Un modo per “favorire lo sviluppo senza ingessarlo”, come dice Masseroli. Oppure il rischio di un far west urbanistico? Rizzo segnala un pericolo: “La scomparsa delle aree produttive, perché tutti preferiscono puntare sulle case”. Anche se restano vuote. Poi c’è la fetta per le cooperative. È certo un caso che l’assessore all’Urbanistica City Council, Charles Masseroli, a CL is like his predecessor, Maurizio Lupi (now vice-chairman of the House). But that will benefit cooperatives? Priests have no doubts: "It is said that 35 percent of the buildings are intended for social housing, but only 5 percent will become real housing (a portion of the opposition after a battle won, ed.)


will be given to cooperatives - red and white - who may sell at reduced prices, but however families with incomes up to eighty thousand euro a year. " The greatest gift to cooperatives, according to critics, is in the "service plan": schools, health facilities, so to speak. Priests argues: "The document opens with a quote of Don Giussani. But the City Council waive the new services that will go to individuals. " Cooperatives where the CDO is the master. But TMP is the magic word of "equalization." In a nutshell: we take as the area bound by South Park (the last green of Milan) and are attributed to building index. Then claims to want to save the green transferring the right to build in the city that already burst.

"This is not only a real estate transaction, but also financial, to rebuild the balance sheets," says Milly Moratti. He adds: "The rights of construction may enroll in an agency that facilitates the matching of buyers and sellers, a kind of bag." The TMP is the real game of power, however, is the least known to the public. The plan can ensure the satisfaction of Milan Moratti really matters. Entrepreneurs e banche che investono miliardi   nel mattone sono poi gli stessi che siedono nel cda dei principali quotidiani cittadini. Gente che è meglio avere dalla tua parte, come Salvatore Ligresti. Scorrendo i nomi nelle sue società si trova mezza famiglia di Ignazio La Russa che a Roma è ministro della Difesa, ma che a Milano conta davvero. Nel cda di Fondiaria   Sai si trova suo fratello Vincenzo, che siede anche nell’Immobiliare Lombarda. Il figlio di Ignazio, Geronimo, è nel cda della stessa Premafin nel posto del nonno Antonino. Non sono dettagli: il partito di La Russa ha un ruolo importante negli enti pubblici che approvano i progetti delle società di Ligresti.

"With the new PGT - Milly Moratti says - the density of population will increase from 7 thousand to 12 thousand per square kilometer." But in Milan, the tide has already marked by hundreds of meters high crane. The Madonna and Pirellone are dwarfs compared with the new skyscraper. The old fair, which according to the then mayor Gabriele Albertini had become "the Central Park in Milan, but here come the three huge towers of City Life. And no matter if it seems hard to find people who will buy.

È soltanto il primo progetto di una lunga serie: l’Expo, poi il megainsediamento di Santa Giulia, impantanato per le note vicissitudini del gruppo Zunino, e ancora Porta Garibaldi, la sede della Regione realizzata a memoria dell’era Formigoni. Per non parlare del Pir di Salvatore Ligresti (che realizza anche City Life), della nuova sede del Comune, del progetto per l’Isola, fino alle Varesine. Decine di nuovi edifici, milioni di metri cubi, griffati da grandi progettisti: Hadid, Libeskind, Isozaki, Pei, Cobb e lo studio Kohn, Fox e Pedersen.

   Costruire, costruire, costruire. Ecco la parola d’ordine oggi a Milano. Perfino, come ha appurato la Procura, se si realizzano interi quartieri su discariche non bonificate. Poi negli asili costruiti sui depositi di mercurio e cloroetilene intanto ci vanno i bambini.”


Home Made Mattress Cleaner

my plea

Mi rivolgo a tanti, ma non tutti: vorrei che questa mia giungesse nelle mani e sotto gli occhi di quelle centinaia di dirigenti politici della cosiddetta opposizione che – fuori o dentro al parlamento – occupano da anni la scena politica italiana. Parlo the "old" policy: it is not a question of age but stay in parliament, political parties, including movements (just to be clear: Enrico Letta is certainly not old, but we see from several years). Go away now. Give way to those who come after you. Want to stay in politics because you still feel useful and you do not want to waste your 'experience'? Well let you decide if the base will be allowed to remain in advisory roles in your parties or movements, but gave up NOW for your managerial position (which it is). Many of you (perhaps more than those who do not believe it myself) probably rimangono ‘incollati alla cadrega’ per motivi che ritengono civilmente validi: il vuoto di potere, la paura di lasciare tutto nelle mani di una destra pericolosa etc….. Altri – è evidente – sono lì da anni perché fanno un mucchio di soldi senza aver mai veramente saputo cosa voglia dire lavorare (si commentano da sé). ANDATEVENE ORA! Chiedete a Berlusconi un ultimo sprazzo di dignità? Non l’ha mai avuta e mai l’avrà! Voi potete fare la differenza. Voi che continuate ostinatamente a negare la vostra enorme responsabilità nella sua ascesa (lo sanno veramente anche i bambini). Se oggi scegliete di staccare la spina e are perhaps even change course in time to be remembered as the operators of the change. Otherwise, history will do nothing but count in one of those who have contributed more than Berlusconi himself to make this country so miserable. Some of you may have studied and remember the important phases of the Fascist period: perhaps you remember the names of those who left do? Not me. Instead I remember well the names of those who are opposed, have resisted and have often paid at great sacrifice their own lives or the choices of freedom. Do you too. Do it for us, a generation of innocent children flaccid and dull. If your brave you will maybe later or at least heard from many other old occupying the country: in universities, workplaces, cultural establishments and in all positions of power. And do not worry about who will be left on the other side (assuming it still exists): The country will be defended by young people with fresh minds, minds are still alive, new ideas and, finally, be in good hands!

Giacomo Rossi

Connect Canon Parallel Scanner To Usb

How to enlarge a small town small town

The last time I published this inside nuovo centro.

Ho pensato che con l'aggiunta di un bordo si potesse ingrandire. La mia scelta è caduta sul bordo del centro "Amanda" di Iris Niebach che si trova sul suo libro "Tatted doilies"

What Is The Strongest Wood


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sample Community Welcome Address

The Competition

  “CARO TRENO”     

part of the cultural project of the "Brothers of Italy: a century and a half of railroad Porrettana," Ass. socio-cultural Summary Riviera organize and index the literary contest with prizes and themed "Dear train" - First Edition, Year 2011, for unpublished works. The National Competition is open area and is open to all interested persons, from 14 years onwards. It accounts for two sections of literature, either:

  • Poetry
  • short letter or story
The period deadline for submission of works is set in May 15, 2011, which shall not be extended. The Competition is free. The awards ceremony will take place June 24, 2011 in Sasso Marconi (BO).

All information, communications and documents relating to the Competition are available on this site. The final list and information about the awards ceremony will be published
on these pages from by: June 1, 2011.

All interested parties are invited to read:

Instructions For Bowlercade

Recentemente ho trovato in casa un centro eseguito unendo 4 di questi piccoli centri.

L'avevo realizzato tanti, tanti anni fa; l'avevo creato modificando un centro che avevo trovato su "Mani di Fata" . Già allora non mi piacevano i lavori che richiedevano continue interruzioni e conseguenti nodi.

E' molto facile da eseguire, si utilizza una navetta e il gomitolo.

is done in three rounds.

For the first round, just fill the shuttle with about two feet of wire, not cut and start working.

For the second lap he completely fills a shuttle and then it works.

For the third round is not enough to fill one bus, so if you do not have two balls is good to fill two shuttles to be used when the wire end of the third shuttle.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Skype Multiple Person Conference

in the flesh

Antonio Gramsci

The Fiat workers have returned to work. Treason? Denial of the revolutionary ideals? The workers at Fiat men of flesh and bone. They resisted for a month. They knew they had to struggle and resist, not only for themselves, not only for the remainder of the working masses in Turin, but for the entire Italian working class. They resisted for a month. They were physically exhausted so many weeks and many months, their salaries were reduced and were no longer sufficient to maintain the family, yet they have resisted for a month. They were completely isolated from the nation plunged into a general fatigue, indifference, hostility, and yet they resisted for a month. [...] Knew they could not expect any help from outside: they knew that now the Italian working class had been severed tendons, they knew they were doomed to defeat, but have resisted for a month. [...]

They have done what is given to men of flesh and blood, let us take off his hat before their humiliation, because in it is something big that it requires sincere and honest.

"men of flesh and bones", 1921

Friday, January 14, 2011

Showdown Fish Finders

I wanted to take the washer of my post "Trina of the past" .

I thought I would make it much easier by removing the rings with the Josephine knot, so that it can be run with only one shuttle and the ball.

The explanation can be found on the post.

See also the site of "Gina" where you can find this little rose, according to the original sample, played with ample explanation. Also on

"UMI & TSURU" can find this washer.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Real Platypus For Sale

Center New center of rosettes

On No. 15 de "Work Tatting" Fairy's Hand I saw this washer very easy to do.

Only one shuttle and the ball.

I thought of bringing them together to get a center.

long time ago I saw a blog on the center with these tips, I can not find him to name the executor. I liked the layout and so I thought I'd repeat it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Use Of Simethicone In Neonates

General Instructions

We recommend you download and save the Announcement of Competition in pdf which includes the Rules.

Please note that the entry form and presentation of the author is an integral part of transmission of the material, so you should save it on your computer, fill it out directly in WinWord (or other word processors) and attach it along with the E-Mail works with which it competes.
Save the file in doc format

We note that the sending of the material must be exclusively via E-Mail dedicated to the following address: . E-mail must contain a file attachment in the works for which you compete and a file with the presentation form duly completed.
That e-mail address can not be used for requesting information and communications, but only to participate in the competition. All necessary information is published on this site.

Please consult the page specially dedicated to help you Answers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) , in which all interested parties can find important information about participation.
to download the poster of the Competition:
A4 Poster - Poster A3

Monday, January 3, 2011

How Much Is My Pearl Worth

Project on historic Railroad Porrettana

sister projects D’ITALIA:
“I treni hanno fatto l’unità d’Italia più delle scaramucce di tre piccole guerre d’indipendenza, più di un portone sfondato a Porta Pia. I treni ci hanno fatto conoscere italiani divisi dalla meravigliosa specie di dialetti. Prima di scendere alle stazioni, salutarsi, ci si scambiava l’indirizzo e almeno una cartolina di saluto arrivava a ricordo dell’incontro. L’Italia è stata unita dagli scompartimenti della seconda classe e la parola d’ordine e agreement, after the greetings and presentations for all it was a "favorite". (from a short essay Erri de Luca)

aware of the many truths contained in this brief written Erri De Luca, the undersigned associations on this project, they decided to promote the upcoming celebrations for the sesquicentennial of the Unification of Italy linking them to the almost simultaneous opening of the railway Porrettana that, in fact, joined by Italy, North and Central America.
The rationale for our decision lies in the knowledge that without our line Porrettana " it is difficult to imagine our "Valley of the Rhine," so great was the contribution that the "railway" has given to the development of mountain Bologna and Pistoia in its half century of existence.
The proposal, design, and construction of the Porrettana that, in fact, connected Bologna and Florence, crossing the formidable barrier of the Apennines, were for years to mid-nineteenth century, a challenge to modernity , allowing you to experience the talents and skills of an extraordinary group of entrepreneurs, politicians and engineers who shared the company. The same technical solutions to the many unknown problems the implementation of the work were really amazing for bold solutions tested and then re-proposed the creation of other similar works.
With our project, therefore, wish to discuss the unification of Italy and, above all, unity of the Italians, paying tribute to a work that has made a fundamental contribution in shortening their physical distances and not only that. We would like to revisit the climate that enabled the realization of this work and investigate what happened in people's heads when more than one hundred fifty years ago, these were placed in front of the railway revolution.
To implement our plan, we will create the following events:

1) LABORATORY THEATRE: The workshop will run for 6 / 7 months and will address three main events:
a. The historical re-enactment of Porretta 'opening of the railway Porrettana. For this event, we will try to organize the historic trains with steam locomotives.
b. The raids on the trains for short theatrical performances and poetry readings.
c. Creation of a play on "literature and rail." This activity will be able to participate freely in all the groups involved in theater, conducting joint research or developing their own.

first edition of the interregional (Emilia Romagna and Tuscany) to participate freely in a theme, materials relating to stories and poems. The terms of participation ranging from 15 February to 15 May 2011 and the award is established on June 24, 2011 in Sasso Marconi. The award ceremony will take place in the context of a theatrical evening specially organized.
During the month of May there will be a series of lectures on the history of rail Porrettana addressing in terms of historical and current socio-economic role of the railway for the life of the community and the mountains of Pistoia Bologna.
5) films.
During the month of May there will be a cycle of films that the presence of the railway as a theme in our society.
6) a short film.
entrust to young authors making of a film on "Railway Porrettana" that traces its history, its design and construction until you get to this day.
events held in the stations and surrounding areas of the municipalities affected by the railway.

Our project will be linked to the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of Italy providing for the realization of the above events in 2011, and in particular, in May / June.
In conclusion, it is our intention to ensure that the commencement and completion of this project seem like a real act of love for a railway line, at the time, was considered an admirable statement of the technical capabilities of the men to bend nature and difficulties of various kinds to their drawings, drawings for more - we're sure - seemed as real visionary dreams.

associations and groups involved in the project

1 History and the City of Pistoia
2 Proloco S. Mommè
3 The Violina
4 The Laboratory for Art
5 Library Reading Group Marzabotto
6 Time Bank Marzabotto
7 Youth Center Marzabotto
8 ARCI Pracchia
9 Association of socio-cultural Summary Riviera (Casalecchio)
10 Association Sassi Writings "
11 Association Cultural "The Voices of the Rhine"
12 Proloco Marzabotto "
13 Chorus" I Biasnot "
14 School Media Veggetti "rod
15 Ass" Dei Verbum Chorus "
16 DLF Porretta T.
17 Fotoclub Five Porretta T.
18 Effective Marzabotto
19 Dialogues / Interculture Marzabotto
20 ARCI Provinciale Pistoia
21 Group Fermodellistico Pistoiese
22 model railroad DLF Group Bologna
23 Proloco Piteccio
24 Circle "Photo" bellows "
25 DLF Bologna
26 Research Center NUETER
27 Photo Club 6X6 Vergato
28 Proloco Pioppe
29 City of Marzabotto
30 Municipality of Sasso Marconi
31 City Vergato
32 City of Porretta Terme
33 City Grizzana Morandi
34 Look Salvaro (Grizzana Morandi)
35 People of Gaggio
36 ProLoco Sasso Marconi
37 Project 10 Rows SassoMarconi
38 CAI Bologna
39 Banda Giuseppe Verdi
40 Ass for the development of Riola
41 ProLoco Pracchia
42 AGIA Association (Marliana PT)
43 Association of Children's Bell "
44 Group hikers Piteccio