Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gout Yogurt Can Yogurt Or Citric Acid Cause Gout?

Borders Borders

These two borders are on hand DMC Library.

To run two shuttles are needed, or you can use a single shuttle and the ball if you know any of these techniques: false node, SMCR, or as indicated by Jon .

These two borders are the numbers 4 and 13 of the magazine "Jobs Tatting" .

am very easy to do, you run the ball and with a shuttle. In ecru border

I tried two versions: by linking the picots or left empty.

Iris Niebach has published a new book on the borders: "Fantasia 3" . are wonderful, like all his work.

Hello everyone and good job.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gym Membership Prices Bloomington, In


Also this washer was taken from the manual DMC Library.

You can run without interruption if you know the technique of false node, otherwise you run in two laps.

need two shuttles:
  1. ring 4-4 \u200b\u200b(picots long), turn the work
  2. ring 4-5-5-4 times the work and repeat steps 1 and 2. At this point, closes the work, or the latest large ring is made with the technique of the false knot and continue
  3. period of 6 knots
  4. with the second pick: 5 -3-4 close ring, ring 4 +3-3-4 close ring 4 +3-5 close, than with a period of 6 knots, picots connect to the ring of the previous round, repeat steps 3 and 4 to complete the ride.
The original model did not provide picots the central ring of the group of three, I thought it appropriate to add it to connect the various rosettes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Art Of Kirk Hammett Pdf

Rosetta rosette bicolor

I got a rose in two colors, white and ecru.

You run with two shuttles, one filled with ecru thread and one white wire, si lavora tutto di seguito.

  1. anello 4-4-4-4-4-4, l'ultimo pippiolino si forma chiudendo l'anello, lasciare il filo iniziale abbastanza lungo.
  2. questi anelli sono eseguiti con la tecnica del falso nodo , si comincia l'anello (anche qui lasciare un po' di filo all'inzio) con il filo ecru (6 nodi) e quando si prosegue con il bianco (6 nodi) si nascondono i fili iniziali in modo tale da evitare annodature antiestetiche. Si eseguono in questo modo due occhielli e poi ci si collega al primo pippiolino libero, si completa il giro.
  3. arco di 9 nodi
  4. anello 7 nodi, collegarsi al punto di incontro di due anelli del giro precedente, 7 nodi.
  5. arco 8-4-8.
Looking carefully at the picture complete the rosette.

The picture below gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the washers can be joined together to create the centers.