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in memory of John Maynard Keynes
The university association AUS - A ssociazione U niversitaria S uperpartes - indice nell'anno accademico 2009-2010 il concorso “ J ust M y K nowledge” in memoria di John Maynard Keynes.
Il presente concorso si rivolge a tutti gli studenti inscritti nell'anno accademico 2009-2010 ad uno qualsiasi dei corsi universitari attivati presso la Facoltà di Economia “G. Fuà” di Ancona siano essi:
A. corso degree programs (Legislative Decree no. 509/99);
B. degree course (D.lg 207/2004);
C. graduate program (Leg. 509/99);
D. master's degree course (D.lg 207/2004).
This competition also extends to students enrolled in the 2009/2010 academic year to any one of degree courses activated at remote sites of the Faculty of Economics "G. Fua.
"Just My Knowledge" providing for the grant of No. A good value from € 100.00 for the best essay, made on economic, financial or social as listed below.
The ceremony will take place in May 2010 during the event / ceremony "Just My Knowledge."
may be submitted no 1 drawing per participant.
Participation 2009-2010 edition does not preclude the possibility of participating in any subsequent editions of the competition, and also do not rule out the eventual victory. Possible tracks for drafting of the documents are organized according to the economic branch to which they relate, in particular:
A. area economic and financial
B. area business management;
C. sociological area.
The three branches correspond, in this way, the three departments of the Faculty and
centers allow for joint departmental deliverables that facilitate the evaluation.
For each area will be proposed No Bound and No. 3 tracks Traces a free choice. The track list proposed by the teachers, is given in Annex No. 1.
Each candidate is required to argue on a single track proposals.
Each entry:
A. technique will take the form of short essay or newspaper article;
B. should be made in electronic format can not be changed (not paper).
Participants are asked to provide a detailed list of sources used in preparing the text, indicating in particular:
A. type (book, newspaper, inserts, web site, material events, such as conferences, seminars, etc. ...);
B. the author;
C. year of publication;
D. the date of the article or event.
Those interested in participating are required to:
The application form must be received by March 20, 2010.
d. Entries must be submitted in electronic format is not editable (PDF), not later than April 16, 2010 at aus.superpartes @
Entries received will be examined by a' special evaluation commission composed of:
A. n. 3 docenti universitari attivi nell'a.a. 2009/2010 presso la facoltà di economia “G. Fuà” di Ancona;
B. n. 3 ricercatori universitari operanti nell'a.a. 2009/2010 presso i dipartimenti della facoltà di Economia “G. Fuà” di Ancona, ognuno dei quali sarà scelto dal docente di riferimento.
Per la composizione esatta della commissione si rinvia all'allegato n. 2.
Per la valutazione, la Commissione sarà articolata in 3 sotto-commissioni che fanno referring to the three active departments in the Faculty of Economics "G. Fua "of Ancona.
Each sub-Committee shall make an initial assessment of the developed area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction of his department, including:
1. Department of Economics → Economic and financial area;
2. Department of Management and Industrial Organization → area business management;
3. Department of Social Sciences → sociological area.
The sub-committees were held to assess the designs of their competence, considering the following parameters:
A. form of writing;
B. appropriateness of language used;
C. relevance to the track;
D. content validity.
To each of the parameters listed under the Commission may give a score from 1 to 5. For every work that will be assigned a total score obtained by summing the scores for individual parameters.
The paper with the greatest aggregate score for each department will be subject to review by a second of only three teachers: the winner will be so designated.
1. The role played by rating companies BEFORE-DURING-AFTER the recent financial crisis.
2. The role of local banks and national development in South Italy.
3. Role della finanza per lo sviluppo dell'Economia Verde (Agro-Alimentare Ambientale) nei prossimi anni a livello domestico e internazionale.
4. Tema libero.
1. La valutazione del capitale intellettuale in tempo di crisi. Il capitale intellettuale è stato tradizionalmente quantified as the difference between market value and book value, or as discount income differentials. In times of crisis, the market value tends to be lower than the book and profitability are often negative. Hence the need to rethink the traditional estimation methods followed so far.
2. IFRS3 and recognition of intangibles in financial statements. The IFRS 3 allows you to charge the accounting differences arising from acquisition of tangible and intangible, and this has often led to the emergence of values related to specific intangibles and goodwill of the acquired company previously cast. It then becomes interesting to investigate such intangibles have been identified, their relevance and their representation as well as the information given goodwill, in order to identify applicants' practices, best practices, accounting changes and understand the reasons for the accounting policies adopted.
3. analysis, measurement and evaluation of assets related to the marketing. In the category of property-related marketing can normally be included on brand, the commercial capital but also the image and reputation. Given the strategic importance of these items becomes important to identify methods and tools for the analysis, measurement and evaluation purposes and for managerial communication.
4. Free theme
AREA Sociology:
Track systems recommended for Sociology organizzativi:
1. In un sistema economico altamente dinamico e competitivo, nel quale le informazioni e la conoscenza giocano un ruolo di primo piano, le qualità che premiano le organizzazioni di successo sempre più spesso sono la flessibilità, la creatività, la capacità di innovazione. Sulla base di quanto proposto da Morgan nella metafora delle organizzazioni come cervelli, si immagini come progettare un’organizzazione con alcune delle caratteristiche individuate dall’autore per lo sviluppo di una learning organization e di un sistema olografico.
Tracce consigliate per Sociologia dell’organizzazione:
2. Il Taylorismo, la Scuola delle Relazioni Umane e le teorie Motivazionaliste hanno lasciato un’eredità importante per chi si occupa di temi organizzativi. Immagini di essere chiamato come consulente da una piccola impresa familiare intenzionata a migliorare la propria organizzazione ancora di tipo artigianale, quali elementi riprenderebbe dai tre approcci teorici e quali interventi realizzerebbe?
3. Images to be called as a consultant by the management of a medium sized enterprise who is subjected to higher interpersonal conflict is a type of gentlemen of the production department, and type intraorganizzativo between the production department the staff of the marketing research and development office, what would you propose in the light of lessons learned from organizational theories being studied?