Well you maximum height of selfishness have forbidden anyone to cook tasty, delicious, chocolaty and delicious, though I can not eat I do not eat any ECCO
I took the intestinal flu and in these three day that my best friend is the bathroom, then strict diet ...
Tea, white rice and for the maximum Goduria of hams and cooked but not very often .... So how can
ultrabuone cook things while I am sick and can not eat a cabbage ?!!!!! So for all culinary
restrictions, it is, in fact my mother last night for this very reason has made me a kilo of white rice "A but, but I'm all rice ?!!!!!!! A well eat it too You ?!!!!!!"
"Bella de mom and if you do not eat here do not eat anyone ?!!!!! So for us, I just did meatballs and sausages in tomato sauce ..."
"Only ?!!!!!! !!!!"
So I officially protest and prevent anyone to cook something that posssa go beyond the chicken breast grilled
disappear Now I do everything from lecture notes ... hihihihihihi ... bad ......
I know I should not be so selfish, but if there is' something that makes me really unpleasant, unfriendly and not eating is very bad ...
Okay I will continue 'with my resets in white ... but with someone I had to vent;)
Bacetti all
Lelli, died of hunger little misunderstood
Friday, November 27, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Masterbation Encouragement
boys and girls that week of hell at work, I really tried, but those guys, but where it goes ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then
turnacci brutti , tornare la sera tardi stanchissima , insomma sono DISTRUTTA , ma per consolarmi questa settimana mi sono preprarta una merendina buona buna da portarmi a lavoro , dopo il primo giorno ho dovuto aumentare le quantità perchè i miei colleghi ormai si sono imparati e mi chiedoo ELI CHE C'E' PER MERENDA OGGI?!!!!!!!
Facilissima e velocissima , anche perchè il tempo a disposizione è stato molto poco per cucinare e mangiare questa settimana , e quindi vai di macchina del pane che è proprio comoda in questi casi ;)
INGREDIENTI per un panbrioche da 750 gr:
270 gr di farina di kamut
100 ml di acuqa
mezzo cucchiaino di sale
30 gr di lievito fresco
45 g sugar 3 eggs
75 g butter 100 g dark chocolate
PREPARATION: Place the container
ingredenti the following order: water, 3 egg yolks, sugar, salt, flour, yeast.
Selezinate 4 and run the programe.
After the first 5 minutes of kneading, add the butter softened upon application to the mix that has formed around
At the beep, add the chopped chocolate grossolonamante. At the start of cotttura
pleasure you can spread on bread thrown a UVO.
The end result is like everyone in the house for breakfast and for snacks;) so I look like my working days lighter !!!!!!!
Ps when you advance the clear and do not plan to use the frozen now you do?! You can 'do ?!!!!!
No, because for me this is a real dilemma
boys and girls that week of hell at work, I really tried, but those guys, but where it goes ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then
turnacci brutti , tornare la sera tardi stanchissima , insomma sono DISTRUTTA , ma per consolarmi questa settimana mi sono preprarta una merendina buona buna da portarmi a lavoro , dopo il primo giorno ho dovuto aumentare le quantità perchè i miei colleghi ormai si sono imparati e mi chiedoo ELI CHE C'E' PER MERENDA OGGI?!!!!!!!
Facilissima e velocissima , anche perchè il tempo a disposizione è stato molto poco per cucinare e mangiare questa settimana , e quindi vai di macchina del pane che è proprio comoda in questi casi ;)
INGREDIENTI per un panbrioche da 750 gr:
270 gr di farina di kamut
100 ml di acuqa
mezzo cucchiaino di sale
30 gr di lievito fresco
45 g sugar 3 eggs
75 g butter 100 g dark chocolate
PREPARATION: Place the container
ingredenti the following order: water, 3 egg yolks, sugar, salt, flour, yeast.
Selezinate 4 and run the programe.
After the first 5 minutes of kneading, add the butter softened upon application to the mix that has formed around
At the beep, add the chopped chocolate grossolonamante. At the start of cotttura
pleasure you can spread on bread thrown a UVO.
The end result is like everyone in the house for breakfast and for snacks;) so I look like my working days lighter !!!!!!!

Ps when you advance the clear and do not plan to use the frozen now you do?! You can 'do ?!!!!!
No, because for me this is a real dilemma
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Anna Griffin Pink Invitation Kit
Hello everyone !!!!!!!!
Yesterday I had to mix something by force, and then I got a frantic desire to make bagels, another recipe that was there among the thousands of recipes to try, and then I started to work.
The original recipe I got it from anise and cinnamon I followed to the letter and had great success, the only difference is the type of flour I used only to kamut and margarine instead of butter for the rest I did not change anything ... Do not report is that the recipe preparation She is so meticulous in explaining that just follow the recipe, it is also to have good results, of course, my not be as beautiful as her photos and was surprised not like her but that's okay no ?!!!!!
This morning I had breakfast there, and memos by heating and coated with margarine and jam ...
for lunch we made from sheep's ricotta and salmon)

Sunday, November 15, 2009
How To Stop Pantieline
Bagels Brownies CHOCOLATE
To recover from the pain of the untimely demise of Mr. Wok I thought we needed something we pulled up the morale and I am convinced that there ' nothing like chocolate for these moments, and then I put a bit in sifting through the various recipes with pizzini appuntante and it is out of the brownies ... as always, boys and girls who were recognizing me know immediately so I quote the source, unfortunately it is written "flying" I have not marked by those who had taken
flour Kamut
300 grams of dark chocolate
3 uova
150 gr di zucchero
100 gr di margarina
200 ml di panna vegetale liquida non zuccherata
2 cucchiaini di lievito
1 bustina di vanillina
Zucchero a velo
Fate sciogliere a bagnomaria la margarina con 200 gr di cioccolato fondente e lasciate intiepidire.
In una terrina montate le uova con lo zucchero e la vanillina.
Unite il cioccolato fuso e la panna liquida al composto con le uova e mescolate bene senza smontare troppo .
A questo punto unite la farina e il lievito continuando a mescolare. Aggiungete infine i 100 gr di cioccolato fondete che sono avanzati sbriciolati grossolanamente .
Ponete il tutto in una teglia quadrata e fate cuocere in forno 180 ° x 30 minutes until, however, the dough will be dry.
Once cool cut into squares and dust with icing sugar
Ps any excuse to eat chocolate;)
To recover from the pain of the untimely demise of Mr. Wok I thought we needed something we pulled up the morale and I am convinced that there ' nothing like chocolate for these moments, and then I put a bit in sifting through the various recipes with pizzini appuntante and it is out of the brownies ... as always, boys and girls who were recognizing me know immediately so I quote the source, unfortunately it is written "flying" I have not marked by those who had taken
flour Kamut
300 grams of dark chocolate
3 uova
150 gr di zucchero
100 gr di margarina
200 ml di panna vegetale liquida non zuccherata
2 cucchiaini di lievito
1 bustina di vanillina
Zucchero a velo
Fate sciogliere a bagnomaria la margarina con 200 gr di cioccolato fondente e lasciate intiepidire.
In una terrina montate le uova con lo zucchero e la vanillina.
Unite il cioccolato fuso e la panna liquida al composto con le uova e mescolate bene senza smontare troppo .
A questo punto unite la farina e il lievito continuando a mescolare. Aggiungete infine i 100 gr di cioccolato fondete che sono avanzati sbriciolati grossolanamente .
Ponete il tutto in una teglia quadrata e fate cuocere in forno 180 ° x 30 minutes until, however, the dough will be dry.
Once cool cut into squares and dust with icing sugar

Ps any excuse to eat chocolate;)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Hard Cervix Before Period Starts
In this sad day Lelli Memo and give the sad news of demise of the wok ... Lelli
esprire has no words to his despair, the first wok never forget
Hoping to recover as soon as the shock of the untimely demise, we thank all those who participate with great affection to our mourning
In this sad day Lelli Memo and give the sad news of demise of the wok ... Lelli
esprire has no words to his despair, the first wok never forget
Hoping to recover as soon as the shock of the untimely demise, we thank all those who participate with great affection to our mourning
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
How To Play Mount And Blade Multiplayer
I am pleased to share this moment with any / all of you in our kitchen and got my first BENTO BOX !!!!!!!!
can not understand my happiness, as when a child buy a new toy, ENHANCED !!!!!!!!
A colleague of mine has a Japanese husband and as he was leaving just for Japan, and my colleague is tropppo nice and friendly and knows my passion: for the bento box B: hello kitty I did bring one's own tuttarosa pussycat:)
You can imagine when I found this box in the office and I opened
Happy hour course for me there is nothing else in the world Lunch boxes, only my new bento box, where everything takes a different flavor and is more 'good!!
I know that is not true but let me live in my childhood illusion:)
Ecolo here in all its glory:
And while here in terms of the objects' Another source of pride, the purchase of the century, the famous and beloved TAGLIACIAMBELLE !!!!!!!!!
I am pleased to share this moment with any / all of you in our kitchen and got my first BENTO BOX !!!!!!!!
can not understand my happiness, as when a child buy a new toy, ENHANCED !!!!!!!!
A colleague of mine has a Japanese husband and as he was leaving just for Japan, and my colleague is tropppo nice and friendly and knows my passion: for the bento box B: hello kitty I did bring one's own tuttarosa pussycat:)
You can imagine when I found this box in the office and I opened
Happy hour course for me there is nothing else in the world Lunch boxes, only my new bento box, where everything takes a different flavor and is more 'good!!
I know that is not true but let me live in my childhood illusion:)
Ecolo here in all its glory:

And while here in terms of the objects' Another source of pride, the purchase of the century, the famous and beloved TAGLIACIAMBELLE !!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Ross Kemp On Gangs Streaming
Halfway through the journey we came to spending in the "Giapponeria" store that sells products of Japanese Kimono services for tea and also MOULDS FOR THE onigiri !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since some 'time ago I saw the recipe from and Elisa as she rightly pointed out in his post, the secret to onigiri molds are the course I purchased and I also took along with those of fully equipped to serve others affarini for Sushi, I think, and I stopped them because I bought everything in the shop but luckily these tours usually have my sweet memo that makes me always talking cricket and at one point holding me back
There carryover is the recipe and the dose because you can go to Eli's blog, I've only increased the doses to the rice to make it more 'and I used as a filling that's Salmon and Shrimp the result
A prosposito of Japan who can 'interest in Rome Sunday, November 8 there will be the Japanese market find here all the details
Halfway through the journey we came to spending in the "Giapponeria" store that sells products of Japanese Kimono services for tea and also MOULDS FOR THE onigiri !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since some 'time ago I saw the recipe from and Elisa as she rightly pointed out in his post, the secret to onigiri molds are the course I purchased and I also took along with those of fully equipped to serve others affarini for Sushi, I think, and I stopped them because I bought everything in the shop but luckily these tours usually have my sweet memo that makes me always talking cricket and at one point holding me back
There carryover is the recipe and the dose because you can go to Eli's blog, I've only increased the doses to the rice to make it more 'and I used as a filling that's Salmon and Shrimp the result

A prosposito of Japan who can 'interest in Rome Sunday, November 8 there will be the Japanese market find here all the details
Tinker Toys, Clip Art
Therefore it is not I have never made bread but I've always used the MP and I have never tried to do it by my self ... Then it happens that we go to the grocery store memo from Naturasia and take the newspaper informed and I find ?!!!!!!!!!! THE HOUSE OF
LUNARIO "practical advice for daily living according to the biodynamic calendar and discovered that on 30 October was suitable for making bread, and then I said" Now I try "
I used a little flour because it was the first experience and I told myself that he had come well crap ... who cares if they throw perooooooooooooo the end result was beyond my expectations. Now I do not know if the success of my first bread was for my "cleverness" or because the moon was in favor but I got some good sandwiches made with bologna:)
I did not follow a particular recipe I just used a little more 'yeast because Kamut flour is growing short this is my result with 300 grams of flour
If you can 'be of interest to recommend the next calendar bakery in November nelle seguenti date :
Negli stessi giorni è consigliato anche fare lo yogurt
Invece se volete una buona riuscita delle conserve il calendario suggerisce i giorni :
Therefore it is not I have never made bread but I've always used the MP and I have never tried to do it by my self ... Then it happens that we go to the grocery store memo from Naturasia and take the newspaper informed and I find ?!!!!!!!!!! THE HOUSE OF
LUNARIO "practical advice for daily living according to the biodynamic calendar and discovered that on 30 October was suitable for making bread, and then I said" Now I try "
I used a little flour because it was the first experience and I told myself that he had come well crap ... who cares if they throw perooooooooooooo the end result was beyond my expectations. Now I do not know if the success of my first bread was for my "cleverness" or because the moon was in favor but I got some good sandwiches made with bologna:)
I did not follow a particular recipe I just used a little more 'yeast because Kamut flour is growing short this is my result with 300 grams of flour

If you can 'be of interest to recommend the next calendar bakery in November nelle seguenti date :
Negli stessi giorni è consigliato anche fare lo yogurt
Invece se volete una buona riuscita delle conserve il calendario suggerisce i giorni :
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