student group is the youngest of our faculty and, as stated in the statute, is founded on the rights of freedom of thought, opinion and expression enshrined in Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 21 of the Italian Constitution. Thanks to these rights and lives for those rights struggle.
Our mission is to give students the role that has always belonged, to the thinking subject and agent in the society in which they find themselves to university life by encouraging participation and discussion current issues through the organization of meetings, conferences and other activities to "make information".
Per fare questo partiamo dalle piccole cose e cerchiamo di farle diventare GRANDI!
..cominciando dal nostro nome:
- A come ASSOCIAZIONE : essere un gruppo significa prima di tutto essere amici, collaborare, divertirsi, potersi fidare dell’altro e costruire sul dialogo qualcosa di migliore;
- U come UNIVERSITARIA : l’UniversitĂ deve essere un’occasione di incontro e di confronto durante e fuori l’orario di lezione; non può essere solo un “esamificio”!!
- S come SUPERPARTES : questa scelta fa si che nel nostro gruppo convivano studenti di ideologie diverse ma accomunati dalla stessa voglia di essere attivi e consapevoli.
born AUS
all began April 9, 2008: we had arranged to meet in the classroom T36, specifically booked a few days before. I was advised to dress smartly because it would be an important day. As usual there was some late comer, someone had warned that a mishap could not have come at the opening. Too bad .. For months we expect this time: we started in a few, most of them were classmates and friends for some time. But then others were added, and as we wanted to change things. Thus, meeting after meeting, we ended up sharing the same interests and to take into play, and this association was found to be the manifestation of what we stood for. At 13 start: 11 present. "Bel number 11," I think. The material is there. Can I start by reading the Articles of Incorporation. Some of us had spent the last week to inquire about how an association is founded on what to write in the articles and especially in the state. As I read I try to reveal the solemnity of the event. Then I read the statute. Our state. We have worked a lot .. and then those 3 lines: "The association is founded on the rights of freedom of thought, opinion and expression enshrined in Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 21 of the Italian Constitution. Thanks to these rights lives and fight for those rights . "Really beautiful. I come to mind all the times we had: the choice of name, logo! I moved to find all of the proposals (long live my roommates!). Finished. All approved the Statute. You just have to move to the vote of the charges. Not that we like so much what we know to be tut you all equal and important in the association, because "different." But it takes a board of directors, in particular the bureaucracy. So start to pass the package. To serve the President, were all in agreement. I read my name next to the word "President" .. what a strange feeling! Then the Vice President, Massi, who still does not believe it: for he did not need the polls. Finally the other three positions: Secretary (Eleanor), Treasurer (Christian) and Director (Robert). We can sign the memorandum. Someone captures Peo while signing, perhaps because it finally took off his sunglasses. All that remains is toast. So I did a surprise: I brought a backpack with plastic cups and CHAMPAGNE! It was also good! With their glasses raised the others listen to my speech while Massi filming everything. A scream liberatorio finale, per far capire che siamo contenti di avere una cosa tutta nostra. Siamo pronti a far vedere la voglia che abbiamo di fare, a tutti e in particolare a quelle 170 persone che hanno firmato per la nostra associazione da tutto l’Ateneo. Sono piccole soddisfazioni, ma siamo felici di prendercele. Ora tocca a noi e a quanti vorranno aggiungersi; altri studenti che come noi “vogliono crederci”. Che l’avventura abbia inizio.