Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How To Get Wife To Wear Stockings



Article I - Name and address
E 'consists of the Association called social promotion AUS - Superpartes University Association, based in Ancona, Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fua.

Article II - Duration
The association has an unlimited duration.

Article III - Principles
The association is founded on the rights of freedom of thought, opinion and expression enshrined in Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 21 of the Italian Constitution. Thanks to these rights and lives for those rights struggle. The association is
conduct "Superpartes" against other university associations, not for profit and aims to carry out any form of initiative and student activities with social value, cultural and educational / training in the full respect for freedom and dignity of the members.
E 'excluded any political purpose, trade union or professional category, that of protecting the economic interests of its members.
In particular, the association may perform the following activities:
- organization and coordination of events such as student assemblies, conferences and workshops;
- raising awareness on issues of current economic, socio-cultural and university;
- promotion of initiatives in line with the principles of association.

Article IV - Organs of the
The internal organization of the association was inspired by criteria of democracy and equal rights of all members, the offices are elective membership and all members may be appointed. The association, for the achievement of its institutional purposes, uses primarily of activities provided in free form and free of charge by members.
Organs of the association are members of the Assembly and the Executive Council comprises the President, the Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and one or more directors.
The offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be mutually incompatible. Those elected to office must be regularly enrolled at the University.

Article V - Members of the association
can be part of all students of any nationality wherever resident, interested in modern issues and activities by the association.
The quality of member is purchased by paying to the secretariat of the annual contribution which the minimum size is set annually by the Board.
The quality of member is lost due to resignation, which must be communicated to the Board of Directors within 30 days after the end of the year due to death, by a resolution of, for revocation of the title of student.
On the proposal of the Executive Council or a tenth of the members throughout the upper approximate, the Assembly has the power to resolve, according to the seriousness of the facts found, the admonition, suspension, expulsion or other measures deemed appropriate same association against members who fail to comply with these Rules or responsible, or disrespectful behavior strongly contrary to the purposes of the association.

Article VI - Heritage
Capital represented by the entry fee paid by the members, dai contributi degli associati, dalle sovvenzioni, donazioni, erogazioni, lasciti testamentari e ogni altra entrata che sarà destinata al conseguimento degli scopi istituzionali e alle spese di funzionamento dell’associazione.

Art. VII - Diritti e obblighi degli associati
Gli associati partecipano all'Assemblea ed esprimono il proprio voto in seno ad essa.
Obbligo degli associati è la puntuale corresponsione del contributo annuo entro e non oltre il 31 marzo di ogni anno. L'inosservanza di tale obbligo causa la perdita della qualità di associato fino a quando non si versi nuovamente il contributo annuale.
È obbligo di ogni associato tenere un comportamento rispettoso nei confronti degli altri members and the association's assets.

Article VIII - L 'Assembly
L' Assembly is composed of all members in good standing by paying the membership fee. The Assembly is convened with a minimum notice of 10 days by the President, who shall draw up an agenda at the request of the Board or at least a tenth, approximate the entire top of the members. The Assembly should be convened at least once a year, convened by the Council to approve the budget prepared by the same association for the annual election of the Board and for the renewal of elective office. The deliberations of the Assembly shall a majority of votes and the presence on the first call at least half plus one of the members. In the second meeting the resolution is valid whatever the number of participants and is adopted by a majority vote of members present. To achieve the required quorum and voting is not permitted to use the instrument of delegation.
L 'Extraordinary General Meeting of members may amend this statute provided that it involved the majority of the members and that the resolution to amend is taken by the affirmative vote of two thirds of those present. To approve the dissolution of the Association and the devolution of assets should the vote of at least three fourths of the members.

Article IX - The Executive Council
The association is governed by a Board elected by members and consists of a number of members not less than 5 and not more than 15, as decided by the Assembly, and their number may be changed during the exercise by the Assembly. The directors hold office for a business year and may be reelected. The Council shall be convened by the President, the meetings are public. This meeting may be requested by the President at least one third of the members of the Board. The meetings are valid when this is the absolute majority of the directors. The Council shall act by a favorable vote the absolute majority of members present. To achieve the required quorum and voting is not permitted to use the instrument of delegation.

Article X - President and Vice
The President is elected by the Assembly among the members. Represents the association in effect against third parties and may sue and be sued for the association. The Vice-President, also elected by the Assembly among the members, replaces the President in all respects, in the case of absence or inability of that. They are in charge as the Council and may be reelected.

Article XI -
Treasurer The Treasurer is elected by between the members and is responsible for the accounting of the association. Remains in office as the Council and is re-elected.

Article XII -
Secretary The Secretary is elected by between members and to record the deliberations of the Council and the Assembly. Remains in office as the Council and is re-elected.

Article XIII - Honorary Members
Individuals who lose their capacity as an associate for forfeiture of the title of student automatically become Honorary Members of the association. They are free from payment of annual fee and have no right to vote.

Article XIII - Referral to law
For everything non espressamente previsto dal presente statuto si richiamano le vigenti norme legislative.